Earlier this week I shared my Azure order for this month. Here it is again.

I have the hardest time getting the Sierra Nevada Jalapeno Jack cheese. Sure enough, a couple of days before the order closed, I got notice that they were out of stock and not likely to ship. I was truly sad because I do LOVE that cheese and we’ve been out for months. I told Vince and he said “How do others get them and we never get them?” I do not know. Seriously, I do know. It’s the cycle. The cheese arrives about three days after our order ships and then by the time our order closes again, the cheese is out of stock again. I *think* what happens is that as we all put things in our charts, it subtracts that from what’s in inventory. OK . . forget that. I just tried putting something in my cart, checking out and then seeing if it reduced the number shown as available but it didn’t. Who knows? Bottom line is . . I have a hard time getting the cheese and I was disappointed that I wasn’t getting it.
I just got my order confirmation and . . the cheese shipped! Yay. I should not be this excited . . but I am.
I’ve already added 5 pounds to my next order. Azure says it will be getting 520 more of the 5 pound blocks on March 26. My next order closes about April 9. Think they’ll sell 520 of the 5 pound blocks before then? I’m guessing . . maybe! My mouth is watering sitting here thinking about that cheese.
Next thing I was concerned about was the Forbidden Black rice. I also love that. I love almost all foods. The rice was on sale and I kept watching the inventory drop. I checked the inventory the morning our order was to close and there were two bags left. Too close for comfort! I forgot to check it again until about five hours after our order closed and they were out of stock so I wasn’t sure if we would get that. We did! Yay again.
The only thing we did get was a 5 pound bag of organic whole flax seeds. Maybe next time . .
What are your thoughts?