Maybe this isn’t weird or strange but these things happen to me so often. I spent most of the day in the kitchen. I cooked breakfast, then stirred up another batch of bran muffins, which required milling three kinds of wheat/grain; then I milled the wheat for two loaves of bread and got that going; then I chopped enough onions to fill three freeze dryer trays for the next load in the freezer. There’s already one tray that’s filled with mushrooms.
Then I cooked dinner (chicken fried steak, milk gravy, green beans, potatoes and coleslaw). Then I got the muffin batter out and baked 30 muffins. Then I cleaned up the monumental mess I had in the kitchen. I wanted to feed the sourdough. I have a new sourdough container that’s larger than what I’ve been using and I want to make sourdough pizza crust, sourdough English muffins and sourdough bread so I fed 120 grams of starter. I was going to dump the discard because I wasn’t going to use it, then I decided . . heck, I’ll just feed it in a second jar and have enough to make a couple of other things I may want to make. I was putting some things in the fridge and there was another jar of starter that hadn’t been fed in a while so I got it out and fed it. I went downstairs thinking . . I just wasted flour feeding so much starter but . . it’s ok.
I opened the tablet to check mail, messages, etc. and I had this message:
Long story but the short version is: My friend’s mom is coming to visit next week. The mom cannot have gluten but she can eat sourdough. Friend has tried to learn to make it and hasn’t had great results. Friend has a house FULL of children . . I don’t know how she gets anything done! She offered to pay me or trade eggs for bread. I said no to both but told her I would make sure they had plenty of sourdough bread. She assured me one loaf would be fine and she would keep it in a safe place so no one else could eat it. I told her they would have enough bread next week that everyone could have what they want, I will bring more mid-week. Cross that off your list, my friend . . I’ve got the bread covered for you.
How neat is it that I stood up there and fed all that starter, feeling like maybe I was wasting flour because it wouldn’t all get used but God knew I needed a lot of fed starter for next week.
Pretty neat, huh?
Now . . this is really strange – downstairs in the garage we have a fridge and a freezer. The freezer, of course, is full – so full that when you open the door . . stand back because something is going to fall out and you have to hope it isn’t a big ham or a roast! I went to put the trays of onions in the fridge freezer and the big freezer has been moved!! It normally sits straight – back side to the wall. It had been moved to where the back was angled towards the wall. I asked Vince if he had moved the freezer. No. I don’t even think I could move it if I tried. I think Vince thought I had lost my mind. He came down and he kept looking at it. He said “Has it always been that way?” NO! It wasn’t that way yesterday because one of the risers for my freeze dryer trays fell and I had to wedge my hand between the fridge and freezer to get it. With the freezer moved, there was about 10″ between the fridge and freezer where it had been about 3″. Vince said he had a hard time moving it back but he did. Tell me . . how did that happen?? Maybe I don’t want to know. You can bet that when I get up in the morning, the first thing I’m going to do is check the location/position of that freezer.
What are your thoughts?