Back when I was teaching quilting classes, one of the things that was important to me to share was that it was ok to change the colors. I had friends who only bought kits because they didn’t want to change the colors. I had friends who, if they had a quilt pattern and the fabric line/colors used in the model quilt were no longer available, they wouldn’t make the quilt. It’s ok if those are the colors you really wanted to use but it’s not ok if it’s because you’re too afraid to change the colors.
In classes, I would tell the folks . . if I passed out a pattern that required 5 blues, 5 tans and 5 greens, you would probably all choose 5 different blues, 5 different tans and 5 different greens but your quilts would all be beautiful. Don’t let the color choices paralyze you!
My favorite colors are purple, green and gold. I often worked with the editor of a quilt magazine and she would tell me . . use any colors you want to use EXCEPT purple, green and gold because those were the colors I most often wanted to use. Everyone who saw my quilts probably thought they are just awful but I love them. I’m not giving specifics but I think one of the things that turned me off from quilting was this: I had submitted a design to a magazine and, because the fabric companies were always wanting to promote their designs, they asked me if it was ok to send fabric for me to use. I said yes. It was an accident on someone’s part because we had been in Texas for quite a while. The fabric either got sent to my address in Missouri or to the rental house where we had first lived when we moved to Texas before we found a house to buy. By the time I realized that I should have had the fabric, contacted the people I was working with and they figured it out, the original package was lost. They had to get more fabric from the company and send that and it gave me about two weeks to get that quilt pieced, quilted, bound and back to them. I seriously was working day and night on it and it was colors I did not like at all. At that point, I said . . I will always work with colors I like and if no one likes my designs/models, that’s ok with me.
But, when I started cross stitching, in the beginning, I always tried to use the called for floss. Then I ventured off a bit and if the called for floss was a bright red of one brand and I didn’t have it and happened to have a similar bright red of another brand, I would use that. One thing that differs a lot, in my thinking anyway, is that in quilts, there were reproduction designs/lines, there were 30’s designs and lines. There were the different fabric designers that had their own patterns and, for someone who liked brights, it was sometimes hard to use a pattern that was created for a reproduction line and use super bright batiks. In cross stitching, for a lot of the charts, the colors can be totally changed and it will still be an amazing finished piece.
I will admit that I am not great with color. I don’t pay any attention cools and warms or the rules of the color wheel. I choose what I like. I may choose to use three blues, where a chart has used one blue. I have given up struggling to find the perfect white that will show up on my linen. If white isn’t going to show, I’ll just use pink or yellow or something that works.
One more thing for me is that some of my favorite cross stitch designers are The Scarlett House, Teresa Kogut, Brenda Gervais and others and I pretty much always love the colors they choose for their designs so I don’t often find the need to change colors.
Here’s my progress on Hope and Love. It’s a crooked picture because it’s still in the frame, and the frame was sitting on my lap at an angle (late night photo). I changed the red house to a blue house and I love it. I’m happy that the front of the house is one blue and the side where there was a bit of a shadow (I’m guessing that’s why the front of the house on the chart is red and the side is a brownish red) is a blue that’s a bit darker – just a bit . . not much but enough that it looks like there could be a shadow on that side of the house.

It will probably be the weekend before I finish this one. We have things to do all day today that won’t involve stitching. Tomorrow is my day to stitch with Debbie and this is not the project I will be working on.
I’ll be happy to get back to it when I can and get it finished!
Donnalyn says
Judy, I love the blue house(blue is my favourite colour). You should always use the colours that make you happy, life is too short not to do what makes your heart happy!!! says
Thank you! I’m really pleased with my blue house.
justquiltin says
Perfect blue house. I have always liked blues and browns together and the blue house works so well with the brown letters. says
There’s a blue and brown house in my neighborhood for sale. 🙂 Not really but if I could convince my friend to move here, I’d try to paint something . . dog house, chicken coop . . anything blue and brown. 🙂
justquiltin says
ROFLOL – yes I’m sure you would! 🙂 says
Never hurts to try!
Paula Nordt says
Your love of purple, green and gold might stem from your Louisiana roots. Those colors together always make me think of Mardi Gras. My mom’s family was from New Orleans, Louisiana and most summers, I spent time there with my mom’s sister. says
That’s what I figured. Funny how those things stick with me even though I’ve been gone almost 30 years.
Deb says
Love your blue house & the fact that you made the side a little darker to allow for shade. The colors are just gorgeous together and the gold/brown writing really stands out. Wonderful! says
Thank you!
Pat from KS says
I like the blue house! It goes with the brown letters so much better than red would have. says
Thanks. I usually love red houses but not sure why that one seemed to call out to me to stitch it a different color.
Donna in KS says
Blocks from one of your quilt classes is on my design wall right now!
Nine more blocks is what are needed and I need a memory jog to get them made. I want to finish this quilt. I love the fabrics I chose! A paisley. And I need the design wall for another project badly!!! (I don’t think you’d have used a paisley. Everyone who’s seen it likes it.) This will be the third of your patterns I make. says
Thank you. I did collect paisley prints for a while but I don’t think I ever used them. Your quilts are always so pretty!