Can you all help with colors for the house?
When I started this project, I hoped to have it finished by the end of January. Slim chance Zero chance but I’m never right on the dates I think I’ll finish a project. Here’s where I stopped last night.

Here’s the pattern cover so you can see the house.

It’s pretty much a basic house. My flowers are a little more pink. I used all my own colors. I’m feeling like there’s too much red/pink for my taste. On the other hand, a big blue or lavender house might stand out like a sore thumb. So many projects have red houses and I do love red houses. On big samplers, I don’t want to do a lot of changing but on smaller projects like this, I wouldn’t mind having a bunch of different projects, all with different colored houses.
I’m thinking either blue, teal or lavender. Any other suggestions? What are your thoughts? Does the red house pull it all together and I need to leave it red? Is the red house too much red, especially mixed with the pink flowers?
Thank you for your help!! 🙂
Kat in Tamale Land says
I think the red house helps to balance the two sides of the quilt. You might play around with different shades of red, just to see.
Kat in Tamale Land says
Lol. I mean PIECE, not QUILT! You can tell where my mind is today!
Judy M says
How about a darker green but one in the same color family as the lighter green. says
Maybe! I do love green. I was doing some research and there were quite a few mustard colored salt boxes too.
Rebecca L says
-Mustard sounds like a good choice! (Even though that is really not a favorite color usually)
Dottie Newkirk says
Lavender might be pretty.
ginnyclyne says
I love a red house. My current house is yellow with black shutters, but if I had my choice it would have been red with white shutters.
Bar says
In the tim of salt box houses red was used a great deal in painting. Money was tight and they had red barns and so had red paint. I think it needs to red to look authentic. But maybe not bright red. Using a red that looks like it has been sitting in sun and had some rough winters. Stay away from any red that is too orange or cherry red. says
Thanks. I never thought about them using the same paint for the barns and their houses but that makes sense.
Teri E says
Red or maybe lavender but I think you should make it whatever color you love 🙂
Sherry Bobak says
I like the red house. Like Kat said, it balances the pink.
debspups says
Because of the browns in the piece and to balance the pinks, how about blue? There is a shade of blue that was SO popular in the 80’s — or a few shades darker. That way the golden windows and the nice brown door will still stand out. It’s looking gorgeous & I can’t wait to see the finish! Deb / CA
Joyce in Iowa says
I think maybe a blue shade would be beautiful — Vickie has a Woad Blue 2407 that looks great online. Whatever you choose is going to be great! says
Thank you. That is exactly the shade I think I want. If I don’t have it, I’ll order it today! says
That’s what I think I’m going to go with. I sent you a picture of a possible color. Thank you!
Joyce in Iowa says
I didn’t see what you sent, but I did see your progress today. It looks lovely!
Kathy says
My house is a butter yellow with a red door. I would make it yellow. ?
cindy says
i vote for a blue house also. maybe a colonial blue.
Liz Miller says
Lavender to remind you of your house in Moss Bluff