You may remember that I could not find the container of floss for the New Year Sampler project so I ordered more silks from Vikki Clayton. Some day I will come across the lost container of floss and will use it for something else, though I am not certain that I didn’t add it back to the silk floss stash if I didn’t have the floss container labeled. Since this was one of the first projects I worked on as a beginner stitcher, there’s no telling what I did.
I ordered replacement floss and it arrived yesterday.
This is the design:
It really is not a hard chart. The little motifs stitch up fairly quickly . . most of them will anyway. Yesterday I stitched the apple (to the right of the “B”) and two of the four roses to the left of the C. Today I hope to finish the two remaining roses, stitch the “C” and those two star blocks to complete that top row. Then I will probably put it aside and work on it again maybe towards the end of the week.
Here’s what I have done so far:
I think it’s so pretty and, while I’m not going to commit to having it finished for Christmas, 2025, I would love to get it finished sooner rather than later.
justquiltin says
Every time I see that chart I think “how pretty is that!” You are making good progress. I love the mottling in your fabric. says
Thanks. I like the mottling too. It’s Picture This Plus but it is 40 count and their fabric is so tight! I usually use 36 count when using PTP but this was from way in the beginning when I didn’t know better. 🙂