Friday when I got to a stopping spot on A Mighty Acorn, I put it away and Saturday started on Thirza Priscilla Dawes.

I’m having too much fun with this little project. I love all the colors and the small motifs just haphazardly places here and there, with what appears to be no real rhyme or reason as to what’s where. When I’m stitching on it, I smile thinking if I designed a sampler, even today, it would probably look something like this – crazy border corners, wild colors, any motif that fits the spot.
I’ve changed three colors so they’d show up better. I don’t know if you can see but there’s some light green trim around the border (started on top left and didn’t get very far) but that green isn’t showing up so I’m going to change that one but I’m going to wait and see what color speaks to me after getting more stitching done.
Definitely a fun stitch.