Yesterday I stitched one acorn and most of the mighty oak’s tree trunk.

I’m not 100% sure about my plan but since I’m making this for Chad and since he was my little acorn that has grown into a mighty oak, I was thinking maybe I would stitch the house as close as I could get it to the house that was his first home.

It’s a mauve/grayish color. The colors were purple fog and smoked heather but I cannot remember the brand and since it was 35 years ago when we built the house, I’m not even going to try to find the exact colors but if I can get close, I’ll be happy.

But . . do I really want to do this? The house on the chart is mustard colored which I love but I do think it would be nice to stitch the house the same color as Chad’s first home.

I’m using Vikki Clayton’s silk conversion so finding a purple fog-ish looking color that goes with these may prove to be more difficult than I had hoped. I asked for suggestions on Facebook last night and got several, which I have ordered.
Denise is stitching her house in purple, and, as always, she and I didn’t plan to do purple houses at the same time. Her purple house, at least from the photos, looks like a darker purple than I hope to paint my house.
Even though I want to finish this stitching by the end of May, I’m going to hold off doing too much til I get the purple floss I’ve ordered. I may add a little of the purple in other places. The star on the left of the tree trunk, I might make that two shades of purple but there are at least 1-1/2 more stars and they’re all so close to the house and I want to kinda spread that that purple stitching out so I may not stitch those with purple. Maybe I’ll stitch the 2022 in purple. I have seen fall leaves that are purple or, at least purple-ish red. I may make some of the smaller leaves purple. Or, I might use a purple for stitching the letters.
It’s pretty safe to stitch all the acorns brown and the squirrel brown. Obviously, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing but can’t make any decisions til the purple floss arrives so I’ll stitch what I can til then.
justquiltin says
Yes my house is a dark purple. The called for over dyed floss I had for the house (as you now can happen with hand dyed flosses) was not the color shown in the chart but looked a boring brownish color so it had to be changed. I got the door on the house finished last night (but don’t like the color I used so may rip that out) and the tree up to where it splits into two sections done. My plan is to use the purple again in a leaf or two at the top.
Nelle Coursey says
I love this house!! says
Me too. I keep wondering if I should just make the house the mustard color.
Nelle Coursey says
I think the purple color would be pretty and I think it will make Chad think of this house! You do such beautiful work. I am at least halfway on my Corgi Caboodle!! says
As you might have guessed, I haven’t started mine. Are you going to sew yours into a pillow or what??
Nelle Coursey says
I Think I am going to make a pillow. But I might change my mind and make a wall hanging.