In January of this year I ordered the “Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly Complete Collection 1991 – 2015” DVD.

I had moved it around from place to place but had never opened the box.
My Chromebook doesn’t have a slot for playing CDs or DVDs so I had to ask Vince to get an old laptop that would have a way I could play it and every time I thought about doing it, he was busy or I didn’t have time to sit and watch anything.
A couple of days ago I finally asked him for something I could use to watch this. We have a DVD player that Addie uses in the car on trips but I wanted a computer so I could save the patterns I want and put them into Pattern Keeper so he dug out an old laptop. The back of the box says “Printer friendly charts” but I save the charts as PDFs so I can import them into Pattern Keeper. What I do is “print to pdf” just the pages of each chart, then email them to myself so I can open them on the Chromebook that has Pattern Keeper on it and so far, it’s worked just fine.
I have been having so much fun going through these old magazines. There are 80 magazines and I’m trying to quickly go through 5 per day just looking at the charts and saving the ones I might want to stitch. I want to go back later and read the articles.
There are all kinds of needlework projects, many of which I have no interest in doing, but love seeing and reading about them. There are some amazing needlework projects in these old magazines!
JustGail says
That was one of my favorite magazines. Nice patterns (not cutsie ones), and good history articles on needlework tools and the people that used them. I have all the issues, even going so far as to troll the internet for the ones I didn’t have. I still miss that magazine, but at least we still have Piecework. says
How nice to have all the paper issues. What a treasure. The articles are amazing.