Vince likes sirloin steak cooked on the grill. I’m not that much of a fan and we ended up with a good bit of sirloin so I decided to try using the sous vide. From what I had read, that would get it super tender while keeping the “grilled steak” texture. I was going to finish it off on the grill but there was a chance of rain so I didn’t ant to have to plan our meal around the weather.
I set the sous vide at 135 degrees. I added only salt and pepper to the meat, placed it in a vacuum seal bag and dropped the bag with the meat into the water.

Once it had cooked long enough, I seared it in a hot skillet. That was the perfect way to cook sirloin steak. My plan was to cook it between two and three hours and I cooked it probably about 2 hours, 45 minutes. It doesn’t cook any higher than 135 and it was almost fork tender. I had added a bit of salt and a bit of pepper only, not knowing how much of the flavor other herbs and spices might change the taste. Vince said it was great. I’d like to try it with a few more herbs and spices next time.
I think in the summer, making a big salad, cooking steak this way, then blackening the outside edges in a skillet, thinly slicing the meat, adding blue cheese crumbles for a Black & Blue Salad will be a great way to uses up some of this steak.
I need to use the sous vide more often. I think I’ll use it for my corned beef on the 17th.
Marilyn Smith says
Mine just came last week and I have been reading tons of stuff on the internet since. Have been thinking of trying a corned beef. Just went to our Irish Pub on Sat. night with friends but had fish and chips as usual. The food is so good there. They were packed at 5:30. Good thing we had reservations! says
I will start our corned beef cooking tonight so we can have it for lunch tomorrow.