Yesterday I started a new Sunday Stitches project – Cranberry Christmas.

I’m working my way towards the red house. Can’t wait to start stitching that but I probably have another Sunday of stitching before I can start the house.

This chart had me dumpster diving last week. I got the chart out early last week to choose the linen and make sure my floss would work with the linen. When I went to put the pattern up, I couldn’t find the cover. I searched . . under the chair, in the chair, under the table next to my chair, in the other project bags I had out.
I had picked up a bit around my chair and thrown some things in the trash and, as always happens when I need to check the trash, I had already taken the trash bag out so I had to retrieve in and stand outside in the cold, drizzling rain looking for that cover.
Never did find it and figured either it would turn up when I wasn’t looking for it or I’d just stitch without it.
Yesterday morning when I opened the bag, the cover was in there but between the two sheets of the chart. I was sure I had check that but I guess not.
I also got another strand stitched on my one strand project.

This is the tightest 40 count linen I’ve ever worked on. I have to work the needle in through the hole sometimes. Even though I’m using a size 28 needle, I think it seems larger than some so I’m going to try a different one today and see if it’s any easier. These little block letters kinda make me smile . . I don’t know why. I’m still feeling like I’m stitching an eye chart.
Joyce in Iowa says
Great progress! I’m really enjoying my one strand project as well. says
It’s hard to put it down after just one strand, isn’t it?
Cindy F says
Looking good!! I have the letters h-p done through the center of the chart. I was working on this in hand, put it in a hoop which helped and then yesterday pulled out my Lowery stand and with all that, it’s working much better! I love how smooth the silk thread is but sometimes it seems too slippery. I’m used to more resistance between the thread and fabric….lol I’m trying to get my eye used to seeing some gaps with using just one thread and also having to change how I start and end the thread. I’m glad I’m not spending a huge amount of time working on this in one sitting as it’s taking so much concentration! But….I am enjoying it! 🙂
Shauna Trueblood says
Looking good! I am enjoying my one strand project. It is called Damask Square, so it doesn’t show much as your sampler, but I am enjoying it. says
Saw it on FB and loved it!