Really, I eat about 3 so it isn’t lunch and it isn’t dinner . . it’s just whenever I get hungry. I love colcannon and could eat it til my tummy hurts. I don’t know why I don’t cook it more often. It was so good! I saved some for tomorrow, though I have a big hunch that it may get eaten before I go to bed.

I only ate half the steak and half the artichoke but got seconds on the potatoes. I did save the entire artichoke heart for tomorrow. I didn’t have green onions for the colcannon and most of the time, I don’t use them because I find them to be a little overpowering with the leeks already in there.
It kinda surprises me sometimes when people comment that they’re surprised how much I cook for just myself. I love to cook and I love to eat. No matter where we eat out, I’m almost always disappointed so I’d rather eat at home than most anywhere else.

I had used 5 large baking potatoes so the small jar has leftover colcannon. I made soup with the rest. The container with the red lid went into the freezer. The jar wit the blue lid goes into the fridge for later this week.
Twyla says
I am with you. I would rather cook most of the time than get takeout or go out and be disappointed with the meal and the cost.
Teri says
Will you share your recipe for colcannon? I’ve never made it!
Judy Laquidara says
This is close to the recipe I use:
I cooked 6 average size baking potatoes in the pressure cooker, skins on, for 45 minutes. I kinda forgot about them and they stayed in there staying warm for a while.
I sliced the cabbage really thin, slice the white part of the leeks really thin and slice the green part near the white part not so thin. I put those in a pot with a lid, add about half a stick of butter and saute them – not til they get brown but til they get limp, then I put the lid on and cook on low til it’s all very tender. I take the lid of, turn up to a simmer and cook the liquid down to where I have a little less than what the potatoes will need.
I mash the potatoes, then add the cabbage and leeks, adding cream as needed to get the right consistency but keeping it on the dry side. Then I pour in about 1/4 stick of melted butter and that should bring them to the right consistency. Add salt and pepper. I don’t usually add anything else but many add green onions or parsley – something to make it more green. I find the green onions to be kind overpowering.
Teri says
Thanks! Will try for St. Patrick’s Day!
Linda Garcia says
I have a recipe for a similar dish but uses spinach instead of cabbage. Delish!
I have lots of stomach issues, so prefer to cook and eat at home since I can control the ingredients as spices. Eating out is always a crap shoot as to whether I will have problems after eating or not.