This evening as I walked out of the sewing room to go upstairs, I felt like we’d made the best progress in the sewing room of any days we’ve worked in there. I should have taken “before” pictures.
Please don’t judge. I look at the pictures and it looks like a giant mess but there’s light just beyond the mess.
These pictures are bad even if there weren’t a million boxes in the way.

In the beginning, I had the love seat when you first walk in the door.

The above photo was taken way before the boxes were delivered.
The plan was to put two shelves just past the window (1st window on the left) and have them not be along the wall but with their short ends to the wall — kinda sticking out like a divider. We set those shelves up but they just chopped the room in half and closed it up. When Vince got home from his flea market shopping, I said . . I think I want to swap places with the love seat and the shelves.

Vince wasn’t happy but he did it! That looks so much better! With the love seat no longer being across from the longarm, we were able to pull it out from the wall and put two shelving units behind the longarm, one along the wall where the sofa was and one by the closet. That’s six shelving units where I only had four with fabric on them in Texas so I am going to have space for yarn (I hope).

I had been stacking fabric on shelves but not in any kind of order because I wanted to get all the shelves up first. Now that they’re all up, I’ve started stacking the fabric the way I want it – mostly by color but there are stacks for batiks and stacks for Moda Marbles.

There’s still an area about 12′ x 15′ to be unpacked but it isn’t as bad as it looks because probably about 8′ of the 15′ is tubs of yarn that will just get moved . . not unpacked. Eventually I’ll have to go through it to re-do my spread sheet and put projects in bags but for now, those tubs are going to be just put somewhere so I can get the room in order and get it to where I can use it.
I’m so happy with the progress we made today!
Teri says
I see Boots found his spot! It’s going to look soooo nice when you’re finished. Can’t wait!
Judy Laquidara says
Yes, he loves his big windowsills!
Liz says
You should store all you TP packs on the top of your shelving. That way, Boots can get on top and possibly into the ceiling area. But, he did seem to find his lookout spot. You just need to make it comfortable with a nice soft bed.
It seems like you could put the yarn boxes on the bottom of the shelves, adjust the shelves so that the fabric bolts can be upright and then have smaller shelves to hold the folded fabric as the top two shelves. Just an idea.
Judy Laquidara says
I don’t think you understand how many yarn tubs I have! 🙂
I plan to put rolls of batting on top of the shelf units. I have a plan . . just not enough hours or energy in the day to get it all done.
Penny Holliday says
Impressive what you’ve accomplished today! Such a nice room for you, Boots, sewing & knitting! Enjoy soon!
Judy Laquidara says
I was so pleased with what we got done today. Thanks!
Nelle Coursey says
This is going to be so nice when you get it the way you want it! You have a plan, do it the way you want it.
katie z. says
Good for you! I would be exhausted.
Amy Frances Makson says
Wow! It is going to be wonderful
Betty Clark says
Do you still do a lot of quilting? Your stash is about as big as mine. Mine is mostly in large bins in my basement and has been there since I moved 6 years ago. My “sewing room” is also full. Also, you seem to buy fabric by the bolt instead of by the yard. I do more quilting that knitting, but I like both. I have a cat named Brady, and I enjoy reading your posts about Boots and Rita.
Joan Garland says
what a nice large room. you’ll get it all organized eventually. Does this mean you will be doing quilting again? I made several of your quilts, QOV’s too. Lost all the patterns except the ones I made that I printed out. My external died on me and that was that. I’m trying to find some of your patterns, it’s going slow but found a few. Loved doing your patterns.
Karen says
I can’t wait to see how your sewing room looks when you’re finished.
Judy Laquidara says
Me too! 🙂