The other night I was looking for a recipe online. Whatever I was looking for was nothing to do with round steak but somehow, a round steak recipe popped up. I haven’t noticed a round steak in the grocery store in years! Remember when the round steak with the round bone was in every meat market?
When we were in Walmart earlier this week, I looked at the meat counter and they did have them but they were cut up and had no bone. It was probably like if you took the round steak I remember, removed the bone and cut it into three pieces . . that’s what it looked like.
I used to cut the round steak into serving pieces, put it in a slow cooker with a can of cream of mushroom soup and let it cook all day. I loved that dish.
Since I bought the round steak at Walmart, I plan to make it tomorrow. I felt like a can of cream of mushroom soup isn’t the healthiest thing to add so today I made Cream of Mushroom soup. I had mushrooms that needed to be used.

This is the recipe I used. It was so easy and so good!

I had two quarts of soup left over. I’ll probably use one quart with the steak and still have a quart of soup left over for another lunch or quick meal.
pat says
Judy are those mushrooms Vince grew in the logs.
Sibyl says
I was wondering the same thing–or what ever happened to those mushrooms?
Judy Laquidara says
The mushrooms haven’t done great. In fact, they haven’t done anything. I have no idea if they will ever produce or if it’s just taking a long time. They need humidity and that’s something we just don’t have. Both of us have tried keeping the logs damp but it’s looking like we have a big pile of firewood out there.
Judy Laquidara says
No. We have yet to see anything that looks alive in those logs.
Joyce says
My mother used to cook round steak with tomatoes and served it over noodles. It was her version of Swiss steak. We had it a lot because my grandparents raised steers, and we got a 1/2 of a steer every year. I was one of the only kids around who actually got tired of steak. LOL. I’d love to have all that beef now days!
Judy Laquidara says
Oh, Swiss steak is something I haven’t had in years and I loved that too.
Susan Nixon says
I’ll bet if Vince had planted those mushroom logs in MY backyard, they’d be covered in mushrooms! We’ve had two VERY wet years, and I am so sick of rain! =P If I go crazy, I’m blaming it on sun deprivation!
Judy Laquidara says
I doubt this area ever has excess or even sufficient rainfall. Like you, I’ve lived where I was sick of rain and now, I get so excited when it rains. We had rain yesterday – almost 2.6″. Today is beautiful and sunny.
Shirley Crawford says
I made the mushroom soup last night…My husband all but licked his bowl. Leftovers tonight!
Judy Laquidara says
Glad he liked it!