Since I am not a swimmer, Addie is wearing her life jacket in the pool if I’m the only one down there with her. Chad and Nicole are supposed to come by later tonight to swim with her.

She stayed in the pool almost two hours, after we took a three hour nap, so she needs to tire herself out or she’ll never get sleepy and tired tonight. The pool is a good place to run off some energy.

I’m sitting and knitting . . not running off a lot of energy but I doubt I have any trouble sleeping tonight!

A birthday part of about 10 girls, probably 10 or 12 years old showed up at the pool and, with it being an indoor pool, it got LOUD very quickly. I was happy when Addie said she was ready to leave.
Liz says
This is great family time! Love the scene of the knit project.
But, look around the pool area – they should have a rescue hook on a long pole. If not, complain to the management! But, even if you can swim, sometimes a hook is better to rescue someone who is trouble. You don’t want the person to put you in trouble. On airplanes, they always tell you to put your own mask in place before putting it on a child.
JudyL says
All the safety equipment is there. I looked for that right off the bat.
Teri says
Maybe Addie will convince you to let her teach you to swim!
Marilyn Smith says
I hope the kids came and swam with her and she is sound asleep by now. She is just a beautiful little girl!
dezertsuz says
I’m going to guess that might have been enough to get her a little tired by bedtime. =) More fun if she had a little friend with her, though.
Nelle Coursey says
Don’t blame either of you for wanting to leave!