8/14/24 – A Word About Shipping:
I went to the post office this morning. Thankfully, we have nice and patient people at our post office! Here’s what I found:
- Priority mail is the best way for me because the boxes are provided and the post office will pick them up at my house if they are pre-paid; the price includes $100 in insurance and tracking info.
- A medium priority box costs $16 to mail and I think I can get at least 25 yards of fabric in there.
- A large priority box costs $21.85 and, at this point, I am not sure how much fabric I can fit in there but by the end of the day, I will come back and amend this to let you know.
It’s time I got serious about selling some of the beautiful fabric I’ve accumulated through the years. As my regular blog readers know, my son hit a deer last week, totaled his pickup but thankfully, he was not injured. It was an older, but well maintained pickup and he did not have full coverage insurance on it so he needs to buy something ASAP. He is currently using Vince’s old S-10 to get back and forth to work and Vince needs/wants it back as soon as he can get it back. All of the money collected from selling fabric will be given to Chad to help buy a vehicle and, because he is probably going to have to have a truck note, even on an older model with today’s prices, I’ll help him with payments as long as I can sell fabric. I’m not asking for charity but I’m going to work hard to get this fabric listed.
Here’s how I hope this works (and please read through all of this):
- I hope to post additional fabric every day. I will have a heading “Added August 12” to the groups (cut fabric/bolts) so you can know if there’s something newly added that you haven’t seen.
- If you see something you want, please send me an email and tell me which piece you want. If it is fabric on a bolt, tell me how much of it you want. There is a 2 yard minimum off the bolt. Everything is first come, first served! As soon as I see an email claiming a piece of fabric, I will tag it as “pending”.
- Payment should be made within 48 hours of my confirmation email to you. If payment is not received by that time, the “pending” will be removed from the listing.
- I will accept Venmo, Paypal or a personal check. When I send your invoice/confirmation, please let me know how you plan to pay.
- If you want to combine orders for shipping, please let me know and I will wait until Friday to close out our order. I would like to have all orders closed by Friday of each week.
- Once the fabric has been added here, I will keep it here until it sells but after two days on here, I will also list it on Facebook group(s) for selling fabric. So, for two days, you (the blog readers) have exclusive access to it.
- Unless otherwise agreed to, shipping will be USPS Priority mail unless the purchase price is less than $10.
- Shipping will be the actual cost of shipping plus any packages I have to purchase for mailing. If there is a large page, I will be happy to check UPS or Fed Ex to see how it might get to you for less.
- Unless otherwise noted, ALL cut fabric has been washed. Fabric off the bolt has not been washed.
- There is a cat and two dogs in the house. The dogs never go into the room with the fabric. The cat lives in the sewing room but the fabric is tightly packed onto shelves and the cat cannot got on the fabric but . . I’m sure there’s at least one piece of cat hair on it.
I detest all the rules but hopefully they will help things go smoothly.
Fabrics Added August 27, 2024 – all are $4.50/yard
With the exception of the first two, the remainder have an ecru/barely tan background – not nearly as dark as they seem in the pictures.
Fabrics Added August 26, 2024 – all are $4.50/yard
Fabrics Added August 21, 2024 – all are $4.50/yard
More fabrics waiting to be sold that would work well with this one:
Fabrics Added August 20, 2024
Cut Fabrics Added August 14, 2024
Solids by Sandy Gervais for Moda (I LOVED these!) This one (below) is somewhere between a burnt orange and a red.
3.5 yards $5/yard
Cut Fabrics Added August 13, 2024
This (below) looks like a hand dyed fabric but I don’t think it is. Feels great – almost like a batik but I don’t think it is.
2.5 yards x $5.00/yard = #$12.5
Charms by Nancy Halvorsen/Benartex
2-5/8 yards @ $4.50 = $11.81
Earth Series by Northcott
2-3/8 yards @ $4.50 = $10.68
Halloween Delight by Wilmington
3 yards @ $4.50 = $13.50
Remember When by Kaye England – Benartex 2-1/4 yards, $4.50/yard = $10.1
Full Bolts:
For Andover Dimples, you can see the colors better here
For Michael Miller Krystals, you see the colors better here
All bolt fabric has NOT been washed and it is $4.50/yard.
Michael Miller Krystal – 1124-D
Michael Miller Krystal 1129-D