The weather doesn’t seem like fall at all – still in the upper 80’s to mid-90’s. Go away, Summer!! But, the leaves are pretty! We will never have the color seen in places like Vermont or Maine or other places in the northeast but it’s pretty here right now.
This morning we had a dump truck deliver a load of mushroom compost. The first year we were here, we had a man with a small trailer bring us a load but we’re going to do some different things in the garden for next year so we ordered a full dump truck load of the mushroom compost and it was delivered this morning. Last week, or maybe the week before, we got a load of soil – not the best but the best we seem to be able to get. We’ll mix the soil with the mushroom compost and some of our own compost, plus some ground up leaves; then closer to time to plant, I’ll add some bone meal or blood meal. I’ll test the pH about six weeks before planting and often we need to add a bit of lime. But, we’ll be ready to plant by mid-April, I hope.
This morning as I was out to get photos of the mushroom compost arriving, I took a few pictures of some of the colorful trees.
The photo below is one of our sassafras trees. We planted three or four of them and the deer made a mess of one this year. We’re hoping it will survive. Vince has now put “fences” around them and you can see that too.

Below is the load of dirt we received recently. In the background are maple trees that are always pretty.

There’s the dump truck backing down our little road.

There’s the load being dumped.

Could that blue sky be any prettier?
I was so glad to see the gardening chores end with that first hard freeze but here I am, not even two weeks later and I’m excited about next year’s garden.
amy says
Fall used to be my favorite too. I love the colors and the crisp air. But lately, I have fallen for Spring. I love when the grass turns its beautiful green. The start of the flowers. Just the newness of the season. says
Spring would be my favorite but I know what’s coming in just a few short months. I would rather stay inside, have short days and freeze while taking the dogs out for a walk than have to put up with the hot, dry summers.
Katherine says
Your weather seems like it has bigger swings. I’m in Philadelphia and we haven’t had a frost yet and we haven’t had 90 degrees in a good while, probably a month. We’ve only had a few mid 80s in the last few weeks. says
I think it was about 2 weeks ago that it was 94 on a Sunday and then Monday night it got down to 24. One day this week, it was 93. We haven’t had rain in months. I haven’t looked to confirm but I bet we haven’t had an inch of rain total since about June 1. It’s been a rough summer for gardeners (real gardeners not just play gardeners like me) and those who are trying to keep livestock alive.