I spent a good bit of yesterday cooking meals for Chad and Nicole to have when I’m gone.

A pot of spaghetti sauce, meatballs and roast. In the picture, the roasts (two chuck roasts) were just browned but I pressure cooked them, will leave it all in the fridge overnight, skim off the fat, make gravy, then divide it into meal size portions and put it in the freezer. There should be three meals of meatballs and sauce and four or five meals of roast and gravy.
Just trying to make life a little easier for them.
Dot Murdoch says
You’re such a Good Mama, They will miss you when you’re gone…..Happy Memorial Day…..??D M
Tricia says
Sooooo wonderful of you! What a great mom/mother-in-law/grandma you are! We should all be so lucky…
Nelle Coursey says
What a great mom you are! No wonder Nicole loves you so much! You are so thoughtful!
dezertsuz says
They’re going to miss you when you’re gone. =)
Eileen Wheeldon Eisner says
You are the BEST!!!