This is another one of those coincidences that I love. Nicole’s sister has a girl Husky. I’m not sure how they came about having her but either they found her or got her at the pound I think because I believe I remember Nicole saying “Isabel was spayed when they found her”, but I could be totally wrong.
Then, the dog Chad found is a boy Husky. How weird is it that they both have Huskies and neither of them planned to have a Husky?
Here’s the first time Isabel and Speck met.

Isabel and Speck
I’m thinking I only told this story on Facebook and not here so I’ll tell it and if I’ve already told this story here . . just skip over it and remember that I’m getting old! 🙂
This dog showed up at Chad’s WM one night. It was a weekend night and animal control in their little town doesn’t work on weekends (maybe it doesn’t work in any town . . we don’t even have access to animal control out here so . . what do I know?) Anyway, Chad took the dog to his house to keep it safe til Monday when he could take it to the shelter. Nicole gave the dog a bath and they worked all weekend to find out if someone was missing him. On Monday, Chad got read to take him to the shelter. Queue the tears . . Addie said “But .. but . . I LOVE him!” so they took the dog to the vet to see if he was microchipped. No . . he isn’t. Folks .. if you’re a pet owner, get that done! They got him tested for heart worms and got his shots and now . . they apparently have themselves a dog.
Chad sees the dog as HIS dog, Addie sees the dog as HER dog. Chad and Nicole were talking about what to name him and Addie said “His name is Speck!” Chad was saying . . NO! I don’t want his name to be Speck but Addie insisted so . . his name is Speck. Addie “talks” to my Speck when we’re video chatting but she was less than a year old when they were here and Speck was in the sewing room so if she saw him, it was only briefly.
It was so funny hearing them calling him Speck.
I told Chad . . be happy she didn’t want to name him Rita. I also told Chad . . if a 2 year old is making the rules about keeping the dog and naming the dog .. just wait til she’s 13. 🙂
Carolyn says
I have a friend who had 2 huskies, siblings, same litter. But one broke out of the yard and was hit by a car. She was broken hearted. Last w/e she found out her breeder has another litter, same parents, and has picked out another puppie to replace the one that ran. She says they like to be in pairs since they were breed to be sled pullers… All I know is that she is not a large woman, and 2 dogs can pull her along. W/O the microchip she would not have been notified of his death….It’s a good idea.
JudyL says
I read about them and found that if ever they escape, they’re likely gone for good. I can imagine how devastating it is to lose a pet like that.
Glen in louisiana says
Rescue org president and Dog trainer here….definitely get your dog microchipped! It could save a lot of heartache. Costs about $25. Look for festivals or dog days in you town and they could be cheaper. Every year when you take them to get their shots have your vet scan for the chip. Sometimes they work themselves out of place. Due to gravity they typically end up in the chest or side. No harm, but animal control may not scan an entire dog to find a chip. My big Swissy had two chips as hers migrated.
Love those dogs!
JudyL says
Thanks! I had no idea the chips could “dislodge” or whatever. I’m thankful that vets will scan found dogs for free to see if they’re microchipped and hopefully reunite them with their owners.
Theresa says
One of my good friends had a similar relationship with his daughter (he passed away a couple of years ago.) When she was 16, they went out to look for a good, inexpensive used car…and came home with a new Mustang convertible…