Yes, Easter with Elmer’s Chocolate Eggs in Louisiana and not in Missouri . . desperate times for this girl! Don’t ask me why I love these and I am NOT a chocolate fan. Every time I say that, Vince says “You eat chocolate all the time.” I do not. I like Almond Joy and Snickers Almond bars but maybe three or four times a year. Elmer’s Chocolate Eggs . . I could eat three or four of them a day for the rest of my life! There are several varieties. I only like the Goldbrick and the Heavenly Hash.
Chad, Nicole and Addie are going to Louisiana for a week so Sunday when Vince and Chad went fishing, Vince gave Chad $40 to buy eggs for me. Chad told me to get with Nicole and let her know which ones I wanted. I sent her this message.

She wrote back:

My response:

I am so blessed to have a daughter-in-law who is so sweet, easy to get along with and funny!
Last year, they brought back eggs for me but by the time I got them, there were three left because Nicole and Addie had eaten them all!
Then, after the FB conversation with Nicole, I decided to Google “Elmer’s Chocolate Eggs” just to see if maybe there were some available near here. No, there are not but I found packs of 24 available online at various places (Amazon, Walmart, etc.) for about $32 per package.

I would gladly pay that but then I noticed the same package at Sam’s Club for $16.87 with free shipping. ordered a box of each of these two.

I ended up sending Nicole a message and asking her not to buy them in Louisiana. I think the ones from Sam’s cost less and I surely don’t need to end up with too many of those things!
Carolyn says
That is one funny conversation! I love that you have such a great relationship with Nicole, that’s definitely something to treasure! ??
Sherry Bobak says
That’s funny! My son went to Aldi today and came back with a bag of
peanut butter cups for me. They are the little mini cups and (to me) taste
almost better than the name brand. He said this is the first time he’s seen
them in a while. I’m going to (try) to limit myself to one a day. says
That was so nice of him to get those. I also think that the Aldi brand of some things are better than name brands. Enjoy them!