Hope and Love by Teresa Kogut still isn’t finished but . . maybe tomorrow. I say that every day. It’s ok . . I’ve been doing other fun things too. Today I got more peppers and a few tomato seeds in their little starter cups. I cleaned out the containers I use for microgreens so I can start more of those tomorrow. I got a good sized bunch of leeks washed and cut to go into the freeze dryer. It’s all fun and some things (seeds started) NEED to be done if my veggies are going to be ready to plant by mid to late April or maybe even early May, depending on the weather.
I think it’s safe to say we’ll be sitting in the house for a few days. Wednesday is the day I had planned to go stitch with Debbie but this is our forecast for Wednesday, according to Accuweather.

At first I thought they were saying an inch or two of ice and I was ready to pack up the car and head south for a few days but it’s an inch or two of snow and a bit of ice. There’s a bit of ice predicted for Tuesday too so we don’t plan to go anywhere . . maybe all week.
Anyway . . back to cross stitching. This is what I think I will stitch for my next new start.

I want to stitch this as a memorial to my dad. I’ve waited until I think I can get through it without too many tears. I think I want to stitch on 32 count so it will be a little bit bigger than if I stitched it on 40 count. On 32 count, it should be 8″ x 7.75″. On 40 count, it would be 6.37″ x 6.25″. I was talking to my friend who originally asked me to stitch this with her and I’m going to try two strands of Vikki Clayton’s silks and see how it looks. I may end up going to 40 count if the 32 count/2 strands doesn’t work for me.
The chart is When Life is Done by Silver Creek Samplers. It’s mostly words and I think it should go fairly fast. I always say that too.
I thought I was going to have to order 32 count linen but my trusty spreadsheet told me I had several pieces of 32 count linen.

I think the one on the right is too dark. The left one is Vellum by Picture This Plus.

The one on the right might work too. It’s Susanna by Tropical Stitches. I’ve put them both in the project bag and I’ll see which one works best after I pull the floss.
Nelle Coursey says
This makes me want to cry. I really love it!!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I’m sorry but I definitely understand!
Donna in KS says
I may be ready to stitch this. It would be in between quilting. And IF I can work without too many tears. This past December was very difficult for me. I’m back on even footing now.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
It’s been a bit over a month since Dad passed away. Some days I think about him and it’s good and happy thoughts. Some days, I’m not really even thinking about him and the tears start. I know it’s harder for you . . many circumstances are different. I still pray for you.
Donna in KS says
What a morning…. I just came across this:
Grief never ends…. But it changes.
It’s a passage, not a place to stay.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith….
It is the price of love.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Love that. I’m printing it and saving it. Thanks you.