Thank you all for the kind words about my dad and great aunt. I know most all of you have been through this already, some situations even harder. It’s only been a couple of weeks and I’m surprised when something out of the blue will cause me to cry.
I listen to old country music and last week, the song, You Were Always There by Donna Fargo (yes, OLD music) was on. I’ve heard it a million times but the words hit me and I was teary eyed again. Here are the lyrics – you’ll see why I cried. But . . you can’t cry! Now when it comes on, I turned it off until I can get through it without crying.
Then another day I was making a pie. I was thinking about how much my uncle loves chocolate pie and I thought . . I never knew what was my dad’s favorite pie . . and the tears started again. The truth is . . my dad would have been happy with ANY pie. When I lived near them, I would call them any time I had made a pie, cake or cookies and he was always happy to come and get some of it.
He loved my fried shrimp. He would always say “I don’t know how you make them so good without a batter on them!” I would always tell him that I DO use a batter. I never figured out why he thought there wasn’t a batter on them. When I lived there, he would say “I’ll pick up some shrimp if you will fry them!” Who would say no to that offer?
This is changing the subject . . totally . . but let’s end on a happy note. Yesterday I noticed I had a missed call from Nicole so I called her back. She said “Oh, you didn’t need to call me. Addie was wanting to make some kind of slide show with pictures to use for the screen saver on her phone. I told her I didn’t have a clue how to do it . . that she needed to call you so she’s the one that was calling you but later she told me that she didn’t need to talk to you when you called back because she Googled it and found out how to do it!”
YAY!! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell Addie . . there’s nothing you can’t figure out if you REALLY want to know. Do not ask someone if you can figure it out on your own! She did it!! She really is growing up.
One more good news topic – I started hope and Love this morning and it is a fairly fast stitch and I don’t think it would be hard for a beginner. Hint: If you’ve been thinking about cross stitching, this might be a good time to do it.
Diana G. says
I a so sorry about your losses… May their memories always comfort you. says
Thank you!
Kathy says
I think it is fantastic that a granddaughter had to ask a grandmother how to do something with technology!
Kathy says
Asking and receiving are two very different things when we’re talking about me and technology. But, yes, it does make me feel good that she thought to ask me. I’m usually their go to source when they need info about coming up with a strange solution to a problem. If they’re having to ask me something about technology, it doesn’t say much for their much younger friends and family members.
Joye Cox says
I noticed at the end of your post you filed under “worthless chatter” category. Your sweet memories of your father and aunt should be classified as “priceless chatter.” I am sorry for your loss and understand your grief. I lost my father almost 9 years ago and still wish I could share something I cooked with him. It does get easier, though, especially when you have others in your life and hobbies and dogs to keep you busy and grounded. says
I know. What I mean by “worthless chatter” is just that it isn’t sewing or knitting or stitching or gardening or cooking. It’s kinda that category where you read it and forget it. Maybe I should change it to just “chatter”.
The dogs definitely keep me busy – not so sure about grounded.
Andrea in MO says
I’m just now seeing both posts – I’m sorry to hear of your recent losses! Every time there is a first (Christmas, birthday, etc) without that person makes it all bubble up again. I lost my stepdad in November, and I’m only weeping half of the time when something reminds me of him. I consider that progress!
I’m glad you have fond memories in which they can live on. says
Thank you. It’s been three weeks and I’m still pretty weepy but there are things that were making me cry a week ago that aren’t now. I know it gets easier but I’m still surprised at the things that make me cry.