This is not a complaint. I think it’s totally crazy. At this point, I’m just glad I’m not paying postage per mile the package travels.

It’s a package from 123 Stitch. I ordered floss that I need for several projects I plan to start in the next few months. Before Christmas, I made a list of projects I may start and ordered the floss so I can get that behind me.
The entire travel path is not included in the photo.
The package left Lewisville, TX (where 123 Stitch is located) on December 31 and arrived in Coppell, TX the same day. That’s normal. From there, it went to Wichita, KS and arrived there on January 3. That’s not a normal stop for my packages but . . it was the holidays so I can cut it some slack. Then it arrived in Kansas City on January 3. Yay! Depending on what time it left KC, it might arrive on January 4. Normally, it would leave KC and go to Springfield, MO, then to my local post office.
Nope . . it went to Mobile, AL; then it went to Montgomery, AL; then it went to Birmingham, AL. That took several days. Then it went to St. Louis, MO. At least it’s in Missouri! Sat there for a few days. Now, according to USPS tracking, it’s in Springfield, MO. Will it arrive in my town Monday? It could go back to Kansas City, then back to Springfield, then here. Who knows??
I will let you know when it arrives, hopefully in good shape. It has had quite a trip!
Carolyn says
I hope it’s enjoying the vacation, just hope someone is keeping it warm and fed during its travels! ??? That’s just crazy! says
Yes, because no one wants to receive a hungry, tired package!
Arrowhead Gramma says
All I can say is good luck in getting your packaging, as I have been having the same issues. Placed an order with Missouri Star Quilting in Hamilton MO. They sent it by FedEx and it went to Olathe KS where it sat for several days, eventually making it to the FedEx facility in Chino, CA about 35 miles from me. The package then sat there for several days and eventually moved to the USPS system where it went from facility to facility before being delivered to my post office box. This took well over 3 weeks from ordering to being delivered. This was all before the current weather in the Midwest. says
Things do always seem to get here eventually. I can imagine that the snow in our area would have slowed things down, and the stay in St. Louis probably took longer because of their weather but going to Alabama and then to other unusual stops . . frustrating. But there are bigger problems and I will eventually get it so all is well.
Sheryl says
…I’m still waiting on a package with sensors for my Dexcom CGM to get here from California. I realize they’ve got devastation there but it left Carlsbad, CA on 12/20, got to Baton Rouge 1/4 and then to Livingston, LA 1/9 (about 10 miles from our post office in Albany) where it remains. In the meantime, I have to do fingersticks instead of getting real-time readings on my phone. It left California somewhere around 12/21….why so long to Baton Rouge? Why so long to get from there to Albany??? I probably won’t use USPS again for those kind of shipments. says
Makes no sense. Hope you get it tomorrow!
Dottie Newkirk says
It’s amazing to me how the postal system works these days. There’s never a direct route like there was years ago. I had a package that was shipped from Tennessee on Monday – was in Katy, Texas the next day and sat there until Wednesday when it went to Amarillo. Sat there until Friday (national day of mourning Thursday), left Amarillo Friday evening – went through our town to a town 50 miles away where it sat until Saturday morning and then came back to our town. Makes NO SENSE to me. says
Yes, I’m giving them some grace because being off on Thursday kinda threw things off more than normal. Then the snow has been crazy everywhere in the Midwest and I have no idea where else because I never watch the news. So far, Fed Ex and UPS seem to be doing fine.
Carol Campbell says
I live just outside of Lewisville, Tx and the Coppell mail center is who processes my mail in Flower Mound. This season of mail has been unusually unpredictable. A friend about 20 miles away mailed me a Christmas card about 4 weeks ago and I still have not gotten it. Another friend who lives in same area got hers but took 10 days. And by the way, I live not far from 123Stitch—am going by there tomorrow even! It’s located near our big mall and is in a former furniture store. It must do a huge mail order business as the building is huge, but the retail part is tiny. says
Wait! I want to go with you!
Have fun.
The package actually left Coppell quickly and went to Wichita. I’ve never seen packages go there, then there was that trip to Alabama. It isn’t even scheduled to get here tomorrow. Crazy.
Liz says
Today, I ordered the elderberry juice concentrate from Amazon. Just got a email saying that it has already been shipped and will arrive by Jan 21-23. That seems a bit long for Amazon since OKC has a large distribution center. But then I clicked on track the package and it is being delivered via USPS. So, it will be next week.
IF the company shipped it, it is located in Auburn IN, just north of Ft Wayne. So, that’s about a 12.5 hours drive, without stops. It will be interesting to see where and how long it actually takes. says
I’ve noticed Amazon is all over the place with shipping these days. On the shopping page, it may say “Delivery by 1/15” but then on 1/15, it still hasn’t even shipped and ends not getting here until 1/20. Not worth worrying about but a bit frustrating. I used to could count on anything I ordered from Amazon being here within two days. Now, it seems seven days is about the average.
Denyse L. says
OMG!! I ordered some things from 123 Stitch also & it left Lewisville, TX the same day yours did. It got to KCK, by way of Wichita, also, then for whatever reason (there is no reason w/the USPS) instead of coming on over to ou post office, which is less than 20 miles, ended up in San Francisco!! Left there a couple of days later & went to St. Louis where it’s sat for abt a week. Got notified this morning it’s to be delivered some time today!! Hopefully, our postman will also have all the mail that wasn’t delivered last week!! The USPS really knows how to milk a situation, including raising rates for Priority Mail, Ground Advantage & Parcel Select, as of Jan 19th!! Why not?!! ? says
Sorry for you but it must have been just some crazy shipping going on. Too bad yours didn’t go to AL and at least we would know our packages were not traveling alone. I had no idea postage was going up again. I’ve about gotten to the point where if I can’t get a PDF, I will not order a chart. I have enough floss to make it through my stitching years but I may have to get creative. Hope you got your package. Looks like mine is going to spend a third day in Springfield, MO. Hopefully it will leave there tomorrow. Ridiculous.