Yesterday I said I was going to finish Love is the Key. I’m sure we all had a busy day yesterday (Thanksgiving) and we were all tired! I sat down to start cross stitching about 10 p.m. and fell asleep with my needle in my hand. I can never sleep on the sofa or in the chair but any time . . day or night, I can crawl in bed and sleep for hours. I was so surprised when I woke up and didn’t even know I had been sleeping but Vince said “Did you have a good nap?” I said “Was I sleeping?” Yes! He said he tried talking to me and realized I was asleep. I slept for a couple of hours so that meant it was midnight and I still hadn’t taken a single stitch on Love is the Key.
I told Vince . . I said I was finishing it today and to me, that means I’ll finish it before I go to bed . . even if the calendar says it’s tomorrow.
It was 3 a.m when I took the last stitch.

I’ll keep looking at this to see if I’ve missed anything but if y’all see something missing or wrong, please let me know.
Glad to have it stitched. I think it’s so pretty!
Pat Anderson says
Looks great and yet another finish!!! Do you think you can get one more done before the end of the year??? says
My goal is to get two finished before the end of the year. But, you know how my goals go! 🙂
Tracy says
– So pretty, I have been waiting and mentally nudging you to finish this since you first started. I had the same thing happen to me me yesterday, I am almost done stitching the tenth Fabulous House. I sat down at about 8pm and stitched a few leaves and flowers and then all I had left was a 1 inch square section of roof that is one color fill it. Then it was 10pm, I had nodded off, I went to bed though lol. I will finish today 🙂 says
I had kinda forgotten that I had started it and thought it was just kitted. It is so pretty and I’ll be happy to finish it. Thank you for the “mental nudge” but for me, it should probably be a sledge hammer! 🙂
justquiltin says
Such a beautiful finish!!! Congratulations!
Dottie Newkirk says