Please don’t think I’m trying to convert everyone to some new eating plan but I’m simply sharing some things we’ve learned as Vince and I are working together to get his A1C down and help his insulin resistance, we are learning so much.
I mentioned barley yesterday and some of the things we’ve learned about it. Since I am not a medical expert or a nutrition expert (or any kind of expert!), I’ll just say tell you in these posts what we’re doing and you can take it from there and Google it and find your own information. I’m not trying to be unhelpful – I’m only trying to not get in trouble for saying the wrong thing.
A couple of years ago, we switched from eating steel cut oats for breakfast to eating steel cut barley, which I make by running the barley through the grain mill on a coarse setting. From the first day, we liked the barley better. I cook it with water, then I add a bit of butter and black pepper to mine. It’s so good!
After reading more about health benefits of barley, I decided to make barley pancakes. I haven’t mastered whole wheat pancakes yet. Fresh milled whole wheat reacts differently in recipes than does storebought whole wheat so sometimes it takes a few tries with recipes for me to get them right for us. Lucky for me, Vince will eat anything and not complain so if the pancakes come out weird or not even great, he never complains. There is something he doesn’t like and neither of us can remember what it is right now.
So, I ground the barley into a fairly fine flour and made this recipe, not expecting it to be anything to write home about (or maybe not even a blog post!). The only thing I changed was that I used allulose instead of sugar.

They were so, so good! I will never go back to making white flour pancakes! Vince loved them. They were easy to make, they spread out to be almost perfectly round (which doesn’t always happen with my pancakes). The texture and taste were great. I made extra so we would have leftovers and I’m actually looking forward to having these again today.

That’s the plate of extra pancakes.
Vince put Greek yogurt with no sweetener on top of his. I used the usual maple syrup and cooked/fried some apples to go with mine. Vince had sausage and I had bacon. Yum . . great breakfast!
Teri says
My husband lowered his blood sugar from 123 to 90 by taking 1tsp of apple cider vinegar every night before he goes to bed. says
We do add ACV to our water – about a teaspoon or 1-1/2 teaspoon in each glass. I’ve been doing it for years to help with kidney stones. The jury is still out on that one but maybe that’s part of why my blood sugar stays lower. Vince has just started doing this so I hope that helps him too. Thanks.
Paula Nordt says
I don’t have the funds yet to invest in a mill. How do you think store bought barley flour would do in this recipe? I know the nutrition level wouldn’t be as great, but l’d like to try purchased barley flour to see if we would even like it. My son-in-law has been in the mood to make pancakes the last few weekends, and I’m a bit tired of the regular pancakes.? says
As you said, some of the nutrition isn’t going to be in storebought flour but, I’m fairly certain the glycemic index should be about the same and the flavor should be fairly close. I would say try it!
montanaclarks says
Vince doesn’t like cumin and neither do I! That’s why I like your chili recipe best of all! says
There’s something wrong with you two! 🙂