. . When you have an armadillo?

Bad picture from the security camera but there he is! I started seeing holes in the back yard early last week and about mid-week, we had this picture on a camera. There are some spots in the fence where critters come through . . there’s a small gap – like 3″ – between the side of the house and the fence; where Vince has driven through the drive through gate (double type gate), there are some ruts. Vince has put gravel down but the critters move the gravel and come through; there are some small gaps under the fence in a few places and we know small things like possums and raccoons come in but this armadillo is big. How is he getting in? Vince has filled in gaps, positioned boards between the house and the fence; put concrete blocks in places to try to stop him but every night he comes back.

This is a bed where it was pretty tromped down. I had pots of basil there during the summer. I know there are a lot of grubs everywhere and armadillos love those plus this was easy digging with all the mulch.

They (or it) are also digging all over the yard. I have to go out every morning and fill in the holes. I don’t want one of the dogs to be running and step in a hole and hurt himself. I think/hope armadillos are less active in the winter so maybe he’ll go off somewhere and hibernate and forget where he found all those yummy grubs.
JustGail says
Getting in? Are you sure he’s leaving every day? If so, my guess is one of those holes is a tunnel that comes up outside the fence somewhere.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I don’t think there’s really any place he can hide during the day. There’s one tall, bushy tree and Vince checked under there and he wasn’t there that day. I really think my dogs would find him if he was inside when they’re out. Vince has blocked up all the places where he could get under the greenhouse or under the shop. I checked today to make sure there was no evidence he was trying to tunnel under the boards Vince put around the buildings but he could have tunneled his way in from somewhere else. I’ve filled all the holes I’ve seen but I surely could have missed one.
Frieda says
They can climb fences. Good luck getting rid of him.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
A tall wood fence? Please say no! 🙂
Stephani in N. TX says
I have a closed in porch attached to the back of my house, with an “under” crawl space that’s just right for animals. Two years ago there was a mama armadillo and her three little armadillos that claimed that space. My neighbors saw them more than I ever did due to the armadillos digging in their nice lawns. I would never have believed it if I hadn’t seen them entering or exiting under the porch space. It must not have been very accommodating as I only saw them that one season and thankfully, they ALL left. It’s possible they may lumber off. Good luck.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
That would be very nice if this one (there may be more!) decided to move onto to greener pastures.