Dogs are funny (or NOT). Oscar was a destructive little chewer/shredder from the day we got him til he was a bit over two years old. He still cannot be trusted but he no longer goes after something and shreds it into a million pieces before I can get it away from him.Oscar would chew on furniture, on the carpet, on everything! From Day 1 with Cooper, he was sweet and not destructive until he got to be about 10 months old. He’s now 13 months old and he is constantly looking for something to shred.
If I start to leave the room, I put them both in the crate – even if I’m only leaving for 2 minutes. That’s the only way I can be sure Cooper isn’t going to tear something up.
Yesterday I had the canner going in the basement garage. The family room downstairs where I stitch has a little “foyer” (of sorts) and that leads into the garage. When I’m canning, I leave that door open so I can hear the canner. Vince had gone outside and he closed that door so I got up to open it so I could make sure the canner was doing what it was supposed to be doing. Since I was just stepping out, I didn’t put them in the crate. When I got to the door, I saw that Vince had opened the garage door. That’s the best day for me to sweep out the garage so I grabbed a broom and swept out the garage. We have an a/c guy coming out today and he’ll be checking out the equipment in the mechanical room in the garage so it was a good time to sweep the floor. I never even thought about the dogs not being in the crate for 5 minutes.
When I walked back into the room, Oscar was standing at the gate like he was saying “I’ve been right here the entire time. I had no part in it!”

There’s my chart! You know I’ve been stitching on Rejoice Evermore. Thankfully I have it scanned and in the Markup XP app on my tablet. I don’t usually have the paper chart out but since I had taken this project to the sit and stitch group a couple of weeks ago, I had the paper chart in the project bag and had taken it out and put it on the table next to where I stitch. Don’t have to worry about the paper chart any more, do I?
Joyce says
Cooper, Cooper, Cooper! It’s a good thing you’re cute and your mama loves you! 😉
justquiltin says
Oscar did not want to get blamed for that shredding for sure. LOL
Carolyn says
Oh my, he can be a destructive one, can’t he? Good thing he’s so cute! We have two kittens at the moment and heaven forbid I leave thread or yarn around, I run into the same thing! Usually while I’m using it! Today was the first time I knitted since we got them. I waited until Hobbes was asleep on the sofa and Fern was sleeping in a cat bed so I knew I was safe!! says
The things we do (or don’t do) to keep our fur babies out of trouble!