First, I feel like I need to apologize. Years ago, I would say on the blog when I was leaving town but these days, with the crazy happenings that go on, I feel it’s better not to say we’re going to be gone and I kinda felt guilty that I wasn’t posting much and hadn’t explained.
We left here Friday, May 3, at about 5:45 a.m. and drove 11 hours to my uncle’s to spend some time with him. He had wanted Vince to install security cameras for him. We took Oscar and Cooper and that had me questioning my sanity. The trip down was a bit stressful – for Oscar and for me trying to control him. He was quite good there. Cooper was excellent the entire time. The trip back today, Oscar was so good. Both of them were.

We were able to eat crawfish. I was able to get 40 pounds of my favorite rice, plus 10 pounds for Nicole (per her request) and we came home with 13 dozen tamales.
Vince had a job while there – install security cameras and he got that done.

Vince was able to fish off the dock every evening. He loves standing out there, alone with his thoughts, fishing. He caught a lot of fish but he put them back. There was the most polite 12 year old boy fishing from a dock next to my uncle. He was there every day except one and he said he was catching fish for his grandma. I suspect he lives with his grandparents. Vince caught a few good sized fish and he gave them to that boy. I asked the boy “Where did learn to be so polite?” and he said “At home, I guess.” I asked him if the other kids in his school (a very rural school district) were as polite as he is. He thought for a minute and said “I think they’re all MORE polite than I am!” I wanted to find his parents or grandparents and tell them what a nice boy they had. Last night I had planned to go out and give him $20 to buy himself some fishing gear and he didn’t show up! 🙁

This is the town where my grandparents lived until they were old enough that it was time to move down near their children for help. This is the town where I fell in love with chickens, gardening, fruit trees and farm life. I never know when I leave there, if it’s the last time I will go there or how long it will be before I’m back. As we were leaving this morning, just after daylight, I snapped this photo as we were driving down the highway on our way out of town.
Every time I spend time in Louisiana, I want to move back there. We never will and I know if we did, it wouldn’t be like I think it would but Louisiana will always be “home” to me. Family, friends, food . . I miss so much about Louisiana but I love so much about Missouri (Chad and his family for one!) so we’re here!
I’ll write more tomorrow and the next day. For now, I’m going to sit for a while, stitch and go to bed early and hopefully sleep late in the morning. It is good to be home!
Teri says
Missed your posts! Glad you’re back! says
Thank you!
Nelle Coursey says
I do not blame you for not posting where you are going before you go. I have always had a fear of someone coming in while I am gone, so I don’t post before I go out of town. It is the best thing to do in those circumstances! Of course I always leave my chow at home and she would scare someone to death if they came in and I was not there. There is no telling what she would do to someone coming in. says
Yes, she would scare me but I wouldn’t be breaking in! 🙂
Paula Nordt says
Missed you. Glad you’re home safely, and glad you spent time with your uncle!
Pat Anderson says
So glad that you’re home safe and sound. There is a reason that they say “you can’t go home again.” Home always changes. It is nice to visit though! Glad you had a nice visit and that the dogs were good on the way home! Maybe Oscar will do a bit better next time he is in the car. Hope you can sleep in tomorrow! says
Oscar had me up before 6 but after working a couple of hours in the garden, I did get a short nap. says
Thanks. I don’t like not being able to say “I’m going to be away for a week” and felt bad doing it, though I’m sure no one suffered too much not hearing from me often. 🙂 I did have a fairly slow and frustrating internet connection there but there wasn’t much I was doing that was blogworthy.
Rosalie says
So glad that Oscar did well overall on the trip! says
Thanks. We don’t travel much – neither of us enjoy traveling but I think Oscar would be better if we did it often but he’s a good boy at home so, at least we know we can survive a trip with him if we HAVE to make a trip.
Sandi B says
Oh, yay! I’m so glad you were able to spend time with your dear, sweet uncle. That makes my heart happy.
I’m glad you’re home and in your own surroundings. Welcome home! says
Thank you!
Andrea in MO says
Glad you had a wonderful visit!
Joyce says
I moved away from home to go to graduate school, but after about 9 years I moved back. I was just thinking about how much has changed here over the years after reading your post. If I were just moving back here after 30+ years, I would barely recognize it as home. It would be like moving to a whole new place, and I’m sure it wouldn’t feel the same as when I left. I’m glad I came back when I did!