Even though this week has flown by . . as has this year . . how can it be December already? I did seem to get a good bit of stitching done.
This is where I had left off stitching on A Changed World. A couple of weeks ago, or maybe a month ago, I stitched the berries in the bowl on the top right (though the bowl isn’t stitched because I can’t find that floss). I ordered two skeins of floss because I lost the brown for the berry basket (and quite a bit of other brown stitching) and I lost the green for that partially stitched tree. The floss should arrive today. Let’s hope the color is close and I don’t have to rip out that half of a tree and start over.

Here’s that section of the project now!

That picture isn’t exactly that whole section but you can see I have all the flowers stitched. In that section, I still have to stitch the following:
- The top berry in both baskets.
- There’s a few stitches left in the left basket.
- The right basket.
- There are a few black stitches on each flower
Those stitches shouldn’t take more than an evening to get done.

In this section, I added the other trees except for the end tress that I’m waiting on floss to arrive.
Here’s what I have left to do on this section.
- Stitch those two end trees.
- The flowers the dogs are facing need flowers and birds on top.
- The flowers with the pink blossoms need a bit of greenery and birds on top.
- The three skinny trees all have just a few quick and easy stitches left to do.
I’m thinking I should be able to get this done in two evenings but I’m going to give myself three evenings.
The row with the buildings have very little stitching to get done. I’m thinking maybe three evenings would be enough time to finish that row.

The flowers and baskets need just a bit of fill in stitching, There are birds on top of each flower. The box needs to be filled in. The bottom should say “Worked by my hand in the year 2023” and my initials with a little motif in there.
I’m going to give myself four evenings on that one.
Then, there’s the border that needs to be filled in. The bottom border is done but the other three are not. I will say two evenings for the borders.
If my guessing is correct, that’s 14 evenings I will need to finish this. Can I have it done by December 14? Let’s hope! I’m so ready to finish this. I have the frame here for it and as soon as I finish stitching, I’m going to frame it and get it on the wall!