They play so well together but there’s a whole lot of time Cooper has to go to the crate and have a time out. He is relentless. Oscar has calmed down so much! He’s very patient with Cooper til about 7 or 8 p.m., then Oscar will get a bit snippy. Cooper has those sharp puppy teeth and he’ll grab onto Oscar, then Oscar tries to get away and Cooper doesn’t let go and I know it hurts.
Last night Oscar was about at the end of his patience with Cooper. Oscar is hiding between the sofa and the ottoman. You can see the little wooden “fence” Vince built to keep Oscar’s ball from rolling under the ottoman.

I feel bad for Oscar but I know he’s having a lot of fun with Cooper . . but probably not as much fun as Cooper is having with Oscar.
Dottie Newkirk says
I “think” I remember when Oscar was Cooper’s age that he acted a bit like Cooper. Now, it’s obvious that Oscar has grown up a LOT since the baby days. They’re both so cute!! says
I hate to say it but I think Cooper is a bit more energetic than Oscar was. Cooper is so fast! Oscar never liked it when we fussed at him and he learned NO right off the bat (though he doesn’t always stop what he’s doing when I say NO). Cooper runs everywhere he goes and NO means nothing to him . . yet. I think having Oscar to play with has made Cooper feel like part of the family before Oscar did. Cooper seems sweeter (as in more snuggly) than Oscar is. It’s interesting to see how similar, and yet how different they are.