A couple of nights ago there was a dachshund video on TV. I was watching it and I looked over and both dogs were sitting there watching it.

Cooper was sitting in front of the ottoman and when I got up to take a picture, he came to see what I was doing. Oscar was really into it. He sat there for three or four minutes watching it.
I’ve been trying to get them together and get a picture where you can see Oscar’s feet next to cooper’s feet. Cooper’s are so much bigger than Oscar’s. Cooper just seems so small except for those feet!
Sherry Bobak says
So cute! My dog loves squirrel and cat videos.
JustGail says
Our dog paid the TV no mind at all unless there was an animal making an interesting noise. The cats have had more interest. One of them would sit and watch for quite a while, only if a dog show was on TV. And way back when Gravy Train dog food commercials were on, one cat chased the wagon when it went off the edge of the screen. He was SO confused, looking around for where it went.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
That’s funny about the cat chasing the wagon. I can remember my nephew worrying about the people inside the TV and wanted to try to put food in there for them.