On October 1, I started stitching on The Lord’s Prayer by Lila’s Studio. I deviated a bit from my five day schedule because we had so much going on. We made a trip to Springfield, MO one day for our new family member and had two out of town doctor’s appointments.

Having Cooper takes a lot of time. I’m not complaining. Most everything he does cracks us up. He’s so funny and he enjoys life and he’s a joy to have around.
Back to stitching . . instead of stitching on it five days, then another project for 5 days and so on, I kept stitching on it through yesterday. Today I have another project scheduled so I’ll put The Lord’s Prayer away and get back on my five day rotation.

I’m very happy with the amount of stitching I got done. I had wanted to get the frame of the outside border done, then the center “border” around where the text will be. I got that done.

Besides the text, I’ll mostly be stitching flowers and a few motifs and that will be fun stitching!