Since I store all my projects on the stitching (scroll) frames, I wanted a way to be able to take a picture that shows the whole piece. In a frame, only the area I’m working on is visible.

I was telling Vince . . I wish I had a dowel road about the size of a broom handle. I could hang a couple of “S” hooks over it, then hang the top bar of the scroll frame over the “S” hooks, but I didn’t want to make any holes in the walls. Vince was looking at me like . . why did I end up with a wife who never stops asking for things to be done??
Then, it hit me . . I have something that will work!
In the downstairs bathroom, there’s a rack hanging over the closet door.

I baste the linen for projects onto fabric “leaders”. That’s the green fabric on this one.
Perfect. No holes in walls. Nothing to buy. Nothing for Vince to do! Happy husband!
All I have to do is remove the two little side pieces, leave in the dowel at the top and bottom and hang it over the over the door rack, take my photo, then roll/scroll it back up, put the end pieces back on either keep stitching or put it away til next time I work on it.

This is how I store the projects that are on scroll frames. I’ve started printing labels and putting them on the end bar so I don’t have to pull each one out to find the one I’m looking for.
Pat Anderson says
Very smart, Judy! I need to label my scroll frames…great idea! That puppy is so darned cute! So it appears that Oscar is okay with sharing but Cooper wants to hoard his toys…could get interesting!