We were sitting and eating lunch today and I said to Vince “Can you believe Cooper has been here a whole week?” Vince’s eyebrows went way up and he said “ONLY A WEEK?” It made me laugh.
How things have changed in one week! We came home with Cooper and we didn’t dare leave him and Oscar alone. The second or third day, one of us would sit in the floor with them while they were together. After probably four or five days, we let them play together on the floor but we’re always very close by. It goes well until Oscar gets tired. I never realized that he gets tired and grumpy because before Cooper, Oscar would play, stop and sleep, play, stop and sleep. Cooper doesn’t have the same schedule as Oscar and when Oscar gets tired and grumpy and Cooper keeps playing, Oscar will snap at him. In Oscar’s defense, Cooper’s little teeth are so sharp and he bites hard when playing. He seems to think my feet are part of his toy collection.
Speaking of toy collection, Oscar always leaves his toys all over the floor – where ever he stops with them is where they stay. Oscar is kinda like me. 🙂 Cooper always puts his toys in a neat little pile. It’s so funny to watch him collect them all and put them where he wants them.

I looked up today and cooper was chewing on a bone with his favorite toys around him.

Oscar was at the other end of the dog pillow chewing on his bone . . no toys around.
As soon as I see or hear Oscar snap at Cooper, we separate them. If we’re both downstairs, one of us grabs one and the other grabs the other. We give them each a Yak Chew and within a few minutes, they’re asleep. If Vince isn’t downstairs, I’ll put one on the left and one on the right of me on the sofa and play referee til they calm down. Thank goodness, they play together nicely way more than they are growling and showing teeth.
So happy to have them both!
JustGail says
I remember when you first got Oscar…you & Vince were the target of his puppy antics like Oscar is of Cooper’s now. I believe this is called “paybacks!” 🙂 I wonder if Oscar now thinks “oooohhh… so THIS is why momma & poppa got crabby and put me in the crate when I wanted more rough and tumble play time!”