Yesterday I made cottage cheese. It’s been years since I made it and I don’t know why I don’t make it more – maybe because I eat too much when the homemade version is in the house.

This batch of cheese was made from milk from the dairy that has Jersey cows. There’s a lot of butterfat in this milk and it’s obviously more yellow than the milk from the Holstein cows from the other local dairy. The milkman brings 3 gallons of Holstein milk each week. If we want more, we go to the dairy store at the other local dairy and get however much milk from the Jersey cows that we want. I do prefer the Jersey milk because of the extra rich cream but Vince prefers the Holstein millk.

I really enjoy cutting and stirring the curds. It’s pretty fun for me to make the different cheeses. The ones I make all start with raw cow’s milk and a few changes here and there make all the difference in the types of cheeses.

That’s pretty much the end of the process. It has been salted and the curds are about the size I want them. See how yellow that is? I’ll try to remember to take a picture when I make it with the Holstein milk.

Yesterday I made buttermilk from the Holstein milk. For some reason, I do like the buttermilk better from the Holstein milk but for drinking plain milk, I prefer the Jersey. Weird.
I poured a little buttermilk over the curds to finish the cottage cheese. We ate some for dinner last night. It’s so good. I probably won’t make cottage cheese every week because I seem to have a slight problem with wanting to eat it non-stop.
cajunchick says
That looks fabulous. What recipe do you use?
Have a wonderful Easter. says
This is pretty much the recipe I use except I use 1 gallon of whole raw milk with the cream and I use 1/4 tsp. animal rennet in 1/4 c. bottled spring water. When I pour the buttermilk over it, I don’t measure. I just pour it til it looks right.