I’ve mentioned that as a kid, I didn’t like hominy and Vince told me he doesn’t like hominy but it’s so fun to make, someone in this house has to like hominy!
I told Vince I was going to make a couple of different hominy dishes so we could try them and see what we think before I order more corn, and my cut off day for ordering from Azure Standard (where I get corn) is either tomorrow night or Wednesday morning.
Yesterday we were out shopping and running errands and it got to be about 2:45 p.m. I was totally starving and getting frustrated that Vince wanted to keep shopping. He said “Let’s stop and get dinner on the way home.” NO! I wanted to eat at home. I wanted to try the hominy! So, we went home.
I had leftover chicken and just needed to cook pasta and make the hominy dishes so once we got the car all unloaded, I ran in and started cooking.

I used two of the pint jars and had plenty of leftovers of both dishes. The top hominy dish (with the zucchini) is Zucchini & Hominy. I made it exactly by the recipe but didn’t add cilantro, which Vince doesn’t like and I figured there was no reason to make him not like this dish. It has chili powder and definitely seems Mexican.
The bottom hominy is just fried hominy. Vince kept saying “What kind of coating did you use?” I kept telling him .. there’s no coating. I just fried it in butter and added Cajun Redhead seasoning!
He told me over and over that he was surprised how much he liked the hominy. I asked him . . on a scale of 1- 10, what do you think? He said “100”.
I guess it’s safe for me to make more hominy.
thequiltingprofessor says
i don’t think i have ever tasted hominy. hmmm
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Storebought canned hominy is probably not something the average person likes . . I shouldn’t say that but I think it’s kinda tasteless, so I don’t recommend it. I had not fixed hominy in years except for posole and the flavors of everything else make the storebought hominy taste better but the homemade hominy was pretty amazing.
Dottie says
Looks delicious!
Laura says
I love hominy! Now you have me wanting some.
Marie L. says
I love hominy too. Most people don’t really realize that they are eating hominy when they eat grits or tortillas.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I think most supermarket type grits these days are made from dried corn. I find a huge difference in taste in the grits made from dried hominy vs. dried corn.