Through the years, I’ve canned potatoes, mostly in with green beans but occasionally as plain potatoes.
After watching a youtube video about canning potatoes, where the lady added garlic powder, dried basil, parsley and of course, salt, and she went on and on about how good they were so I decided to try it.
When I was canning the potatoes a month or so ago, Vince came in and said “What are you canning?” When I told him potatoes, I don’t think he believed me but he walked over to see and, yes, I was canning potatoes. I realized that when he worked, he never knew what all I canned while he was away. I probably told him “I canned potatoes today” but, you know how much he listens to what I say. 🙂
I knew he was thinking I was wasting time and propane canning potatoes so a day or so ago, I opened a jar of the potatoes. I wanted to make sure we liked them with the herbs and spices before I canned more that way. I saved the liquid with all the seasonings to use as the liquid for bread. We’ll see how that goes. I baked it last night but we haven’t had it yet.
For the canned potatoes, I drained them, simply poured them into a skillet that had sizzling butter, lightly browned them and they were ready in less than 5 minutes.

Friends, blog readers and even Vince often wonder why I can so much. There are several reasons. First and foremost is this is how I grew up. My grandma canned everything and I thought that’s what everyone did. I’m not saying canning is better for everyone but when I can take fresh grown potatoes, skin them, can them and have them last 10 years or more and taste just as good, maybe better than when they were fresh, and basically I’m the only one who has handled them from the time they were planted til we consume them, I’ll take that! Yes, some of my potatoes were purchased from Azure Standard and there were more hands handling them than just mine but many of them were grown right here in the back yard.
Second is the cost and food security. I’ve been to the grocery store twice recently when there were no potatoes at all in the bins. I’m sure somewhere in town there were potatoes but not at the store where I was shopping. We just cannot trust our food supply these days. I’m not saying we’re going to starve but I’m not confident feeding families is going to be easy in the near future – not only due to shortages but to costs. We had not been able to find heavy cream in our stores for about two weeks. Vince uses that in his coffee. I told him there was cream in the fridge that I had skimmed off the milk but he didn’t want to use that. We found cream at Walmart yesterday.
I’ve been looking for chicken livers for Rita’s food and haven’t been able to find those. Walmart in Carthage had that yesterday too. Our local Walmart said they get in a case and they’re gone as soon as they put them out, then they don’t get any more for months!
Third reason to can – being able to heat up a meal quickly when there’s no power (gas stove) or when it’s too hot to cook in the kitchen . . that’s worth the effort of canning. When we go to my uncle’s or even stay in a hotel, we can bring food in jars and have meals ready to eat in no time. It’s hard to cook in a kitchen where you don’t have everything you need but I could bring one case of jars (12 quarts) and have enough food to last us for 12 days. All I’d have to add would be a storebought bag of frozen vegetables, a baked potato, a storebought can of veggies . . easy and we wouldn’t have to go out and I wouldn’t have a big mess to clean up.
Back to the potatoes – I’ll always can my potatoes in the future with the herbs and spices added to the jar. Those were really delicious and Vince was quickly convinced that canned potatoes were worth the effort.
Cindy F says
I love seeing everything you can. I would have never thought about potatoes. I must not have dug up all the potatoes from last year as I have volunteer potato plants where I planted them last year. We’ll see how well they do this year with less water and minimal attention.
Cheryl says
That’s an awesome idea to add the spices, so many possibilities. Hope to be canning potatoes next next. I appreciate you taking the time to share all you do!
Sibyl says
Judy I have my potatoes ready to can for this weekend. Looks like you have been watching Homestead Heart. I found her channel. says
Yes, I just wish she wasn’t advocating for putting them up without peeling them. I know a lot of people do it but it isn’t isn’t recommended by most canning sites. I do like all her videos though.
patti says
i’m so glad someone mentioned the video site as i was going to ask. potatoes are one thing that just don’t get used qui enough around here and wither in the package. we want them often enough tho that i can’t buy by the pound and pay so much more than by the bag on sale. i’ll definitely try this, but am more anxious to read about the hamburger as that is my main focus right now. am loving all of the great info on the blog! Thank you SO much!
Rebecca says
The idea of taking along prepared food when traveling is great! I’ve often wondered how I would deal with travel cooking (like an RV, or sailboat), because I use a lot of different ingredients that might be difficult to remember. And as you have pointed out, it’s much more secure than freezing. says
Right. I used to can all my meats in pint jars because that’s enough for us for one meal but I have gone to canning in quarts because I get twice as much food in one jar, one lid and one ring plus I can put 19 pints in the canner or 14 quarts. I plan meals around using half the contents for one meal and half for another or just using it all at once and having leftovers.
Quick things, especially when camping would be shredding the chicken or roast or draining ground beef and making tacos or taco salads, enchiladas, etc. One of my favorite meals is to shred chicken, use that Frank’s Wing sauce and a bit of sour cream to mix with the chicken. Make a big salad and put that meat on top. So good on a hot day.
Rebecca says
That’s something I like to do with crockpot salsa chicken, except I mix some extra salsa with the sour cream to use as dressing. It also leaves options open for LOTS of add-ins, if I want them (olives, cheese, green onions…
I think it’s time to go make dinner! 😀