Yesterday I was playing with Oscar and he’s so rough. I don’t think he means to be but he’s strong and he’s a puppy! Rita is so dainty .. Oscar is like a bull in a china cabinet!
He got me with his back nail on the arm and it bled and bled. Vince was saying “you may need a stitch!” I knew it wasn’t that bad. My skin is old and fragile and I need to be more careful when playing with Oscar.
Almost every day we spend a few minutes with the nail trimmers. We have the regular clipper kind that snap a bit when the nail cuts and we have the grinder one. I love the grinder one. I’m not afraid of cutting too deep. Oscar doesn’t like either kind so we spend a few minutes with treats, and I let him sniff the trimmers, he always tries to destroy them, then when he gives up, I move them near his feet and will touch his toenail. I don’t think we’re making much progress.

I’m glad I’m not canning today and keeping my hands in and out of dishwater all day.
Tomorrow I have to go to the doctor. He’s kind of a no shenanigans type guy and I’m sure he’ll want to have me committed for having a dog that does this. The cut on my arm from yesterday is just above my wrist. Long sleeves will cover that one. Would the doctor think I’m weird if I wore my garden gloves the whole time I’m there? 🙂
Liz says
I use Liquid Bandage on these types of long cuts – it keeps out air and dirt, though you may have to apply several layers to get a good seal on the cut.
You may need lightweight gloves to play with Oscar! says
It’s really not much of a scratch. I’ll keep antibiotic ointment on it and stay out of the dirt til it’s healed which won’t take but a couple of days.
Carmen L Ostrander says
Well, he probably already knows you’re weird, so the gloves wouldn’t faze him! JK! Love your blog and everything you do. says
When Oscar and I go outside and Vince is out working and has on his work boots, Oscar is sure he’s the ax murder and barks his head off and won’t go hear Vince. Same with when Vince has on his work gloves. Oscar doesn’t always notice those til Vince reaches down to pet him and then Oscar really goes into complete fear mode and will almost bite Vince.
Nelle Coursey says
I have very thin skin anyway and when you add the fact that I am old, it is even worse! I have two long marks on my arm where the skin is not broken but there are blood blisters there. The longest one is about 3 inches and the other one is almost 2 inches. That was just today!
Chris says
I saw the funniest video of a guy holding the handle a big wooden spoon full of peanut butter in his teeth. He had his dog on his lap and the dog licked the peanut butter the whole time he trimmed his nails! Genius! I wish my dog like peanut butter…. says
I saw that too. Oscar isn’t a peanut butter fan either. We already tried!