We’ve had a busy, fun, frustrating day but we accomplished a lot.
First, I had to be at the hospital in Carthage at 9:30 for the annual mammogram and the biennial bone density scan. Of course, Vince went along. He said “I’ll just drop you at the hospital and you can call me when you’re done. He was going to Lowe’s which is almost across the street.
I got to the radiology department and the lady said “I left you a message that we can’t do the mammogram because the machine broke yesterday afternoon.” Well, I didn’t get a message because voice mail doesn’t come through in the basement and I forget about that. She went ahead and did the bone density scan and I called Vince. It had only been about 10 minutes since he dropped me off so he came back and got me.
Remember we bought the base cabinet to put out in the sun room and I’m going to put the wheat grinder, Instant Pot and whatever else I can move out there. We bought a piece of wood and some tile and Vince was going to put a tile top on it. That was several months ago so I said “Let’s just buy a prefab countertop” so he was looking at those when I called him. He wanted me to go back and look at one so we did. I liked it but we’d have to go home and get the pickup to get it so we left Lowe’s.
We went to Aldi. Not sure what we needed there but we were wanting to eat in Carthage and the place didn’t open til 11 so we went to Aldi. We bought a few things that didn’t need refrigeration but there were things I wanted to get that did need refrigeration so Vince said “Let’s just check out with this and then we can eat, and then go home, get the pickup, come back to Carthage, get what we need at Lowe’s and come by Aldi. OK . . checked out and still had time to spare so we went by the Carthage Library. Since the libraries here are city libraries and we don’t live in the city, we have to pay an annual fee to use them and our fee was due so we went by and paid that. I only use the online system but I have to have a library number to use those.
From there, we went to Cherry’s for lunch. Cherry’s is on the square in Carthage and someone just told us about it yesterday. They have great catfish (that’s what we had). They have burgers, sandwiches, salads – everything we saw looked good. Sadly, the people who own it are retiring and the place is for sale.
While we were eating lunch, I noticed a sign that said “Frame Shop” so I asked our server if they do framing too and she said yes! I went and talked to them and was able to order a frame for the narrow piece that I couldn’t get from Frame Solutions.
We left Cherry’s and there was a pie shop a couple of doors down also on the square so we stopped by there and got a couple of mini pies to bring home.

After the pie shop, we went to the Big Dog Boutique, still on the square in Carthage. We got some cute snacks and toys for Oscar. That’s another place we can bring him inside.
From there, we went home, took the dogs for a walk and left in the pickup.
We went back to Lowe’s and while Vince was looking at something, I went wandering around the store and found this Blackstone grill.

I’ve been wanting one of these. At first I was going to get the single burner but the only one I could find was one that had to sit on a table and I wanted a stand. Then I decided I might as well get a two burner and had found one that came with the stand but it only had the extension on one side. So, when I saw this one with the extension on both sides, I thought that was perfect. It doesn’t have the lid but where I’m going to put this, it will be protected from the wind on three sides and if I’m grilling, I doubt I’d be using the lid plus . . that’s something else to clean.
I think these are part of a Father’s Day promotion and they came with some tools and a cover so, I found Vince and told him I’d found the Blackstone I want. He wasn’t too excited about that but he knows I’ll use it so we got it. We also had the countertop for the base cabinet in our cart. Vince started talking to the store manager and the guy said “If you don’t have a Lowe’s credit card and you apply and are approved, you’ll get 20% off and can save up to $100.” What’s not to love about that?
Vince went to check out and did all the application but we both forgot that we have a lock on our credit because of compromises at credit agencies and the like so Vince had to jump through some hoops to get it approved. In the meantime, the mammogram lady called and said the machine was fixed . . when did I want to reschedule my mammogram. I told her . . I’m still in Carthage. I can come now. OK . . so we told the people we had to go run an errand, we’d come back and finish that deal after while.
Back to the hospital, got the mammogram. Back to Carthage, got the credit card issue resolved and got everything we needed. Back to Aldi for the cold stuff.
There’s more to this day but that’s enough for now!
Debra McIntosh says
good grief, that was a busy day!
Ginny says
Wow that’s a busy day so far. It is hard to believe that there is more.
Cilla says
I stayed home all day today and I’m exhausted reading your post. Better you than me. lol.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We never have days like this so I’m pretty tired too. Tomorrow I hope to stay home the entire day.
Nelle Coursey says
I got tired just reading this!!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
It was pretty much go, go, go all day and I am exhausted.
Nelle Coursey says
I can see how you would be exhausted! Did you get the pics of my knitting that is in the show here?
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Not unless you sent it within the last few hours. I’ll go check again.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Got them! I had seen the brown sweater – I’m not sure it was finished when I saw it last but the butterfly shawl is gorgeous. You’ve come a long way with your knitting. You look great!
April L Reeves says
i was just looking at those blackstones to get my husband a grill for this bday this month. I was thinking a combo of regular gas grill and griddle would be best. Will be interested in what you cook on yours.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We use a charcoal grill and have an Egg so I didn’t need a grill. I’m really anxious to try it but first . . it has to be put together.
Sara Fridley says
Wow! What a crazy busy day with some really FUN stops!