My entire life, we’ve called my uncle “Goob”. My aunt was Dorothy. Addie loved those two from the day she met them. Up until she was probably 5 years old, she called them “Goof & Dawthy”. The first time I heard her say “Goob & Dorothy”, I wanted to say “NO! It’s Goof an Dawthy!”
I’ve been telling Vince . . very soon, two things are going to happen and I”m probably going to cry. First, Oscar is going to stand up on his back legs and beg and second, he’s going to raise his leg when he goes to the bathroom and when those two things happen, I will no longer have a baby dog!
Here’s an old picture of Speck standing and begging. Dachshunds do that so easily.

Speck was such a good dog. Oscar is going to be a good dog too and I’m crazy about him but seeing Speck still brings tears to my eyes!
This evening I was sitting in my chair and I looked down and there was Oscar, standing and begging. No! I’m not ready for him to grow up but I know it has to happen and we’re enjoying him so much. Some days it seems like I’ve been cleaning up messes for way more than four months but on the other hand, it has flown by and he’s going to be a grown dog before I know it.
Nelle Coursey says
They do grow up way too fast. Quincy is mad at me because we have cut out the bacon at breakfast and the Milk bones each time they go out! But he is losing weight. I can tell because I have to carry him outside, help him stand up to pee and bring him back inside when he is through. But I will continue to do that as long as it takes! He seems to be doing better. says
I do hope he’s doing better. I know it’s hard but we will do anything for our pets.
Sharon says
I remember a dog we had and when he raised his leg the first time, he fell over. He got up and squatted. I could help but laugh. He figured it out soon after. says
That is too funny!
Nelle Coursey says
I really think he is better. He can crawl on his knees now when he is outside. But that left leg is really the bad one. I think the meds have finally started working with him. He is trying to do more, and I am trying to make him do less! LOL That’s hard when they have a mind of their own!
Cilla says
In all my years of Dachshund Rescue I have only had 3 who “sat up” like Speck. None of the 5 I have here now do that. And Neuschie, my special little boy, is 6+ and still pees like a girl dog. I still smile when I catch him. lol. Heck, this Longdog Crew always keeps me smiling and sane. Well, the jury is still out on the sanity part if you check with DH!!!!! says
Really? I’ve only had two dachshunds before Oscar. Both were males and both hiked their legs like they were really proud of their masculinity. Both of mine stood and begged so I thought they all did that too. I’ll be happy if Oscar does neither. I think the standing and begging can’t be good for their backs and the raising the leg to pee usually means my treasured plants suffer where I don’t mind so much if they squat in the grass! 🙂
Kind of a weird conversation but . . we love our doxies!