This morning when I was out working in the garden, I was wishing for my large garden area. I was thinking . . if I had the space I had in Texas, but the rain and weather conditions I have here, I could have an amazing garden. Then I laughed and thought . . I’d probably work myself to death because I never seem to know when to stop. I would fill up every square inch and then I’d have to maintain it and figure out what to do with the harvest.

Last year Vince made three 4′ x 8′ raised beds. Chad made four 4′ x 4′ raised beds. We set them up with the three 4′ x 8′ raised beds lined up and three of the 4′ x 4′ raised beds about 3′ from the short end of the long raised beds. We never used the fourth 4” x 4′ bed so Vince is setting that up for me for the walking onions. There was only one big pot of walking onions at the plant sale. A neighbor was there and I was telling her that I had bought a pot of walking onions and she said she had been wanting some so I told her I’d share mine with her so I’ll be able to spread out the onions I keep.
Here’s a bit more of what’s going on with the garden.

I went way overboard with potatoes. I had already planted potatoes from the kitchen that sprouted, then I found seed potatoes in the stores, then I learned about determinate vs. indeterminate potatoes and ordered more seed potatoes. I have 15 bags of potatoes plus I stuck potatoes everywhere I saw an opening in other beds. I have

I have potatoes growing in the garlic bed and in with the peas. Those are all good companion plants. I also have rhubarb growing with the asparagus. I’m probably going to have to move some of that around because the asparagus bed will be too crowded in a couple of years.

There are quite a few small tomatoes on the vines.

This is the third or fourth gallon jug of radishes and lettuce. I’ve been thinning these radishes and putting them in salads but I’ll probably pull the rest of them this weekend. You can see an artichoke growing to the right of the milk jugs.

I’m excited for the peonies to bloom. Last year we bought three peony plants at the end of the season. They were on sale and looking a bit sad but we planted them and all three are going to bloom. I’ve always loved peonies and never had them before.
I love my little garden. It’s just enough that I feel like I’m able to grow a few things but yet it isn’t working me to death.
Tee says
I helped clean out a garden with my plant club and I was thankful that I had not expanded as large as this woman’s was. Way too big. I suppose it is enjoyable to see everything growing but oh my, the work! says
Yes! The planning and planting is fun. It’s still cool enough and the weeds are gone for a moment but once it gets hot and dry and the weeds are back and I’m having to hoe weeds, and pick and can or freeze dry produce, the fun is gone and by the end of gardening season, I’d promise to never do so much again and then I would so now, all I have is small and I’m fine with that.
It was very nice of y’all to help clean out her garden.
Marcia says
What are walking onions? I grew up in the country with a large garden that included onions – but no walking onions!!
Christina Coats says
Hi Judy, I am with you, I love love peonies and they were a favourite of my late mum. The flowers are so beautiful in all stages. Enjoy