A few things I forgot to add to the list of items we found yesterday.

One was a box of Snapple Lemon Tea single packets. I couldn’t find those on the internet so the picture is the diet peach. What we found was not diet and it’s lemon tea flavored. There are 12 boxes of 6 packets so that’s 72 packets. Amazon has them from $15 to $20 and we paid $4.

The other day I was using barley malt syrup and realized I didn’t have much left. I went to the place where I usually order it online and it was $16 and I knew that was way more than what I had been paying for it so I meant to check Amazon and never did. I just now checked and it’s $12.95 and this one was $4.00. These Barley Pull Apart Rolls are about my favorite thing to make with Barley Malt Syrup. In fact, I think I’ll make them today! We can have them with dinner and tomorrow we can use them to make roast beef sandwiches using leftover roast beef.

The last think I forgot was a package that had two 32 oz. bottles of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar. These sell for $6.34 each at Walmart. At one point when we were in Texas, Aldi had their brand of 16 oz. bottles for way less than the Bragg at Walmart. I don’t even remember how much we bought but we still have about 6 cases of it. I used four bottles making the dandelion infused vinegar so I was happy to find the equivalent of four 16 oz. bottles for $4.
One thing we have to be careful about – people will open stuff. There were four or five fairly large containers of Nutella and for $4.00 each, that was a deal but all of them had been opened and some of each jar was missing. Even if it had only been opened and none was missing, I wouldn’t buy it!
Prices aren’t always real bargains either. They had 22 oz. bottles of Dawn Dish Soap for $4 that are $3.94 at Walmart. If I was out of Dawn (I’m not!), I wouldn’t have minded the extra 6 cents but it wasn’t a deal and I didn’t need it. If it had been $2 or $1 day, I would have bought it. They also had a 2 pack of 20 oz. of Heinz ketchup for $4. Walmart has those bottles for $2.53 each so you’d save about $1 at the pallet store but I didn’t need ketchup.
The store opens at 9 a.m. on Saturday and is completely restocked – out with everything and all new stuff added. The guy told us that there is a line of people waiting to get in at 5 a.m. on Saturday – that’s FOUR hours before they open. No way would I do that – not even for linen and floss!
danielle says
oh ick – opened jars? Makes me think of those stupid kids/people who would open the ice cream containers and lick the top of the ice cream!