The lettuce and radishes I planted a couple of weeks ago have come up. The carrots got knocked over and all the seeds dumped so I replanted them yesterday. I had gone out to do it several times and got sidetracked.

These are the radishes. They’re the white icicle radishes that I love. I’ll let them grow a bit more, then I’ll thin them. If I can leave them til they get a bit bigger, we can eat the greens of the radishes I cull.

This is the Mesclun Mix lettuce. I don’t know if you can see but there’s some red lettuce in there too. It I plant a new carton of this once a week. Once it starts getting ready to harvest, I will pull off the leaves that we use each day and at the end of a week, that lettuce will be pretty much spent and I’ll move on to the next carton. That will work til it gets hot and the lettuce bolts and gets bitter.
Last night should have been our last frost so I could start planting in buckets today but we have possibly bad storms over the weekend so I’m going to wait til at least after those are over because of the hail risk. Always something! I do have most of my plants and have been bringing them in and out as the weather permits so they’re growing and we’re bonding. 🙂