Yesterday a friend on Facebook showed a picture of a carrot cake she had made and briefly, I wanted to make a carrot cake. Of course, I did! I want to do everything I see someone else doing. I’m not a huge fan of cream cheese icing so I remind myself of that, plus the fact that my annual doctor’s visit is approaching and somehow, I need to lose 50 pounds in the next week. 🙂
This morning, in Vince’s inbox, was a recipe for Carrot Cake Oatmeal. Instant Pot! Steel cut oats! Much better than a carrot cake . . maybe!

I left out the raisins because I can’t stand eating them. They remind me of a big fat dog tick. Sorry – go look for yourself at the images if you don’t believe me and if you never want to eat another raisin!
OK . . moving on . . the oatmeal was delicious!
I had planned to use whole oat groats but since the bucket I thought was oats turned out to be spelt and since I keep forgetting to ask Vince to get down another bucket of oats and since he was outside working when it was time to cook, there was a container of quick cooking steel cut oats in the pantry so I used those and only cooked them for 4 minutes. I think that was probably better because whole groats would have taken 18 minutes in the Instant Pot and my carrots would probably have been non-recognizable by the but . . maybe the raisins would have been also but I didn’t use raisins so . . moot point, right?
Maybe I’ll keep using quick cooking steel cut oats for this recipe or maybe I’ll cook the whole groats about 12 minutes, let it do a natural release for 10 minutes, add the grated carrots, then cook it another 4 minutes. That would probably be sufficient since the natural release time is under pressure too. Also, I may try cooking the oats 16 minutes, then when the pressure is released, adding the carrots, putting the lid back on and letting it “Keep Warm” for 10 minutes. That would probably be enough to cook the carrots sufficiently.
Anyway . . it’s an excellent recipe.
Laura says
I don’t like raisins either. Never knew they looked like a dog tick; just don’t like them. And I live in grape-raisin growing country!
Cindi says
Do you think this would work with cow’s milk? I don’t normally have non dairy mik. says
Definitely – another thing I forgot to add. I used whole storebought cow’s milk.
Cindy F says
I love carrot cake and this sounds delicious! I have to say I like raisins in small amounts but I think I’ll be thinking about fat ticks the next time I come across one! I’m sure I’ll start laughing and will have to explain. LOL I don’t think I will go Google to see what one looks like…I think that will be something you can’t unsee….LOL says
I can tell you what it looks like – a raisin! Especially a cooked, fat raisin! 🙁
Sandi B says
I can’t stand raisins, either. I was probably around 5 when my Dad to me to a relative’s vineyard we’d never been to. They were drying the grapes into raisin. I grabbed one and popped it in my mouth. Moldy, rotting mess! )or, that’s been my memory for 60 years!) I refuse to eat them.
Angela Waldroup says
We eat golden raisins . I don’t like the dark ones . says
The golden ones taste different from the darker ones?
patti says
i think they do, and i like both of them. the goldens are my first preference if available. bookmarked this recipe, i’ve been wanting to try steel cut oats in the IP.