I had planned to stay home all day. In fact, I still had my pajamas on at 11:00, which means I was probably not going to get dressed all day. Vince helped me put the wheat and oats in 5 gallon buckets and re-stack all the buckets. The buckets are not “shelves” but Vince has a long piece of thick plywood between the layers of buckets because if you stack them too high on top of each other, it will break the lids. When we moved here, the buckets just got stacked – no rhyme or reason to the order. I can’t lift a 5 gallon bucket full of sugar or flour so Vince always has to put the buckets up and it seems like everything I needed was either on the top shelf where I couldn’t reach it or on the bottom shelf where all the buckets on the higher shelves had to be removed to get to the bucket I wanted so we re-arranged everything with the newest buckets on the bottom; oldest buckets on the top. On each shelf, we put one bucket of sugar, one bucket of oats, one bucket of hard red wheat and one bucket of hard white wheat. Now I don’t have all the sugar on the bottom row! Vince will still have to get them down for me as I need them but we kept one bucket of each of the items I used the most and did stack those two high with no board in between them. I can move those to get to what I need if it’s under just one bucket.
So, after we finished, Vince said “Let’s go to Boomer’s and get BBQ.” How could I say no after all the work he had just done? I took a quick shower, washed my hair, got dressed and we were ready to go.
On the way home, Vince said “Want to run by Aldi’s?” I said “No! We don’t need anything!” Oh, little did I know how much we needed! 🙂
They had so much marked down.

First, they had restocked their brand of hazelnut spread, which Addie likes just fine. 13 oz. at Aldi is $2.09. Same size at Walmart is $3.58. Ask me why we shop at Aldi! 🙂
But . . the bargains!
First, we found these trash cans with lids for $4.99 each. They were regular $19.99. We need a trash can just inside the garage door downstairs and every time we went to Walmart, I’d forget to get one. When we saw these at Aldi, Vince said he needed one for each end of the shop and the upstairs garage so four of those came home with us.

Next I found this 12 drawer rolling storage chest. I need something like this by my chair in the downstairs living room where I now stitch. It was regular $59.99 on sale for $44.99. Not the greatest bargain but something I need and will use.

Next, Vince found this waffle maker. We were standing there in the store discussing about whether we need this. I told Vince we have two electric waffle makers, as well as a cast iron waffle maker for on top of the stove. Nope, he likes this flip kind! His real selling point was . . Addie will love this! It was regular $24.99 on sale for $6.29.

Next he found a Cyclonic Stick Vacuum Cleaner. Oh, Vince! We have central vac in the house with connections everywhere, including three connections in the garage. Who vacuums their cars? I’ve always told Vince I just open all the car doors on a windy day . . poof . . my car has been vacuumed! Honestly, my car is 15 years old and I have never vacuumed it. Vince has but probably not much. I do vacuum the house at least every other day and I don’t use the central vac in the sewing room but I have two upright vacs that I brought from Texas – one for the sewing room and one for the house.
This stick vac was regular $89.99 marked down to $44.99. Vince cannot pass up a bargain so it came home with us too.

I think that’s all the bargains we found . . thank goodness. We did get just a few groceries – a couple of boxes of snack type crackers that we eat with brie, a bag of Easter candy for Addie, two more 13 oz. jars of hazelnut spread for Addie. Bacon – Aldi’s bacon is $4.29 per pound, which is up 10 or 15 cents but way less than Walmart’s. They had their one pound packages of breakfast sausage for $1.89 and we like theirs so we got a couple of those. I think that’s all we got.
Came home, got it all put away, hung a load of clothes on the clothes line and then worked in the yard til time to come in and fix a snack for dinner
Liz says
I recently opted to get some tuna fish on Amazon – 24 pack of Albacore in water and 12 pack of Yellow Fin in oil. 36 cans and I put it on the subscribe and save plan. With the other stuff I have been adding on the S&S, I am at a 15% discount of those items. Free shipping with prime. Could it be cheaper someplace else – maybe – but i would have to spend a lot more time to find the better price. I will check Aldi – the next time I am in that neck of the woods. I just need to track the age of the cans and delay shipment when necessary. But, I like tuna salad, especially in the summer. I have cucs, tomatoes, and lettuce growing in the aerogarden, so it will all make a nice meal.
With the subscribe and save, you do have the option to pass on a shipment, so I don’t feel bad about adding items to get the 15% savings.
The cart is great and you can put all of your different projects in the drawers. If it is Sunday, then….
The waffle maker looks great – you need to go get a second on as a present for Addie. I think she would like that better than a stick vacuum!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I think they have this kind of waffle maker at their house.
I’m not sure exactly which one Albacore tuna you’re buying at Amazon but I’ve done the math on a whole lot of them and even with the 15% subscribe & save discount, which we also use, Amazon’s prices are more than Sam’s. Sometimes it comes out to only 5 or 6 cents more per can and sometimes it’s 20 or 30 cents per can. Not long ago, Sam’s had the Albacore on a monthly deal and it was way less than anything i found at Amazon. I also love tuna – Albacore and chunk light and we do have it often in the summer – sometimes as a sandwich, sometimes as a salad.
Liz says
I have the Amazon prime membership but not the Sam’s or Walmart+ membership. So, I am limited there, but I will always keep those in mind for the future. And, we now have to consider the travel/gas/time aspects of shopping. It is nice to have the stuff just delivered to your door. And as I get older, I may add some of those services. When I go into Walmart or other stores, I check out the people filling orders and most seem to do a good job.
So, now I have a good stash of tuna, so I’ll try to be more aware of price changes and stock up even more by buying the cheaper stuff and delay the shipments if necessary.
But, it is important to build your stash of “stuff” when you see the opportunity. Sometimes it is fabric and sometimes it is food or clothing. One thing I am doing is to review what I have and buying now to improve my stash. For example, my nightgowns were very sad, so I found some nice replacements, bought about seven and tossed the old ones. Ditto with towels, underwear, socks, and so on.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We do have the Sams Plus and Walmart Plus (not sure that’s what Sam’s is called) so we get free shipping. I’d rather have the items delivered in a box with no indication of what’s in it than have someone bringing it to the house. I’m not sure how long either of them will continue free shipping without raising the membership rate because I know shipping costs are increasing.
When I first got here, Walmart didn’t deliver out here so I would place an order every two weeks and pick it up. I don’t think I ever had a problem with an order. Every now and then I’ll have groceries delivered now and I seem to have more problems than I did in the beginning – crushed cans, damaged salt boxes, etc. Walmart always makes it good. Vince is so happy to shop, I usually just hand him my list.
Vivian Oaks says
I looked at that waffle maker in my Aldi a few days ago. I need a new one – the last one quit working, but it wasn’t on sale, so I decided to leave it….
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Check back. Your Aldi may have it on sale now. They’re trying to make room for summer stuff here. What’s funny is there are three Aldi stores near us. One always has bargains. One NEVER has bargains. In fact. sometimes the other two will have something on sale and that store will have the exact same thing not on sale. The third store will have things marked down but it’s a busy store and marked down merchandise is usually gone very quickly.
Liz says
I was talking with a friend about shopping and we agreed about the need to plan shopping & errand routes. It was a lot easier when the stores would have the sale flyers and I would look at what i needed vs who had what price. Then go to the furthest place and return home. With Covid, I stopped this practice and just shopped at one place.
I look forward to start shopping at more places, if just to look at what they have available. Who knows, I may change what I buy at each place. I really need to go to the local Asian market to get some specific things. I am still looking for a good place to buy meats like you can get in MO. The farmers markets should be starting soon….
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We don’t have a lot of choices here as far as groceries. We have Aldi and Walmart, which is where we mostly shop. We have a Harp’s but it’s out of the way and rather expensive. There’s a Food 4 Less on the south side of Joplin. They have good sales but the rest of their prices are usually higher than Walmart or Aldi. I never know what’s on sale at Food 4 Less so unless we’re passing by already, which we rarely are, I don’t go there. We have a Natural Grocer and I love their produce but it’s all organic and a bit pricey. They’re a bit south of our regular route so I don’t go there often either.
I’ll be happy when the dairy opens back and we can go there for our milk. That will keep us from going to the grocery store as often.
I hope you can find the meat at your farmers’ markets. We’ve been really lucky to find what we’ve found here.
Bon says
I had seen the 12 Drawer thing the other day at Aldi for $59. I decided not to get it. After reading your post that it was on sale, I went out this morning and bought one. It’s all put together and ready to go. Thanks for posting about it. I think I’m going to love it.