Oscar got two shots this morning and he is not a happy puppy. It was probably the bordatella that’s causing him problems. They gave him pain meds about 15 minutes before the vaccine and then we gave him benadryl after we got home but shortly before noon, he wouldn’t walk at all, and he squealed if we picked him up so . . back to the vet! They checked him out and said he’s ok .. just sore.
He’s sleeping and that’s good . . maybe by the time he wakes up, the soreness will be gone though walking on it would

I wish the vet would discuss these vaccines with me. I might have opted to not even give him the bordatella. He will probably never be boarded; he’ll rarely be with other dogs. The risk that an infected dog passes through our yard or, on the rare occasions we travel with him, he’s being walked where other dogs have been. I suppose it’s one of those things – better safe than sorry but right now, I’m feeling like a guilty mom for having done this to him.
Angie says
I think it was the same meds Oscar got that my Rottweiler had to have shot . They would give him the spray in nose and he would snort it out. My doxies did fine with their shots but they got plenty of hold and cuddle time afterwards.
Nelle Coursey says
Like you said, better safe than sorry. He is so young he will not remember this. He should be fine by tomorrow. At least I hope so!
Cilla says
The 2 vaccines should wipe him out for 24 hrs, especially the Bordedella shot. Just keep an eye on him for adverse reactions. Be leery if they want to give Lepto to Oscar as Dachshund is 1 breed that should not receive it. Collies also, or any broad chested breed. He sounds so adorable. I adore puppyhood. Do you follow Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund on FB? So cute.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I am very leery of the Lepto but the vet assured me the vaccines are safer than they once were and lepto is a real problem in our area. Since it can be passed on to humans and can be very serious, I went ahead and did the lepto. The vet said “It’s worth the risk because of how bad lepto is for the dogs and humans.” I didn’t like doing it but felt like especially with Vince’s health issues and Addie being around Oscar so much, I couldn’t not do it.