Oh, how I love snow, but only because I can sit in my chair, cross stitch and look out the window at the snow falling. I did have to go out with Rita once while Vince was downstairs doing something. Vince had shoveled a path (not that the snow was very deep), so I grabbed my boots and went out with Rita. It’s all snow and no ice.
It’s just after noon and it’s up to 18 degrees.

It would be prettier if our trash can wasn’t sitting out. Hopefully the trash man will come by today. Our little street is a bit precarious for him. There’s no place to turn around (only our house and one more) so he either has to back down the street on his way to get the trash or back out on his way leaving.
I’d rather have more snow but I’m happy we’re getting any this winter. It’s been so warm this year.
The snow has stopped falling, the sun just came out. It’s really so pretty to look out and see all the white.
Christina says
ooh so jealous. Here in Wiltshire ,England it was 0 degrees, frozen windscreens and bitterly cold. Doesn’t look like we are in for anytime soon.
Angie S. says
Up here in central WA state, we got 12″ last night, but others got 24″. At least it’s 20° out, so it’s light and fluffy. Beautiful to look at, but I don’t appreciate driving in it. Thankfully, I took a snow day today and worked from home because my husband needed my SUV to get to his work on roads that hadn’t been plowed yet, and his AWD Jaguar didn’t have the clearance needed.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Staying home – nice and warm and safe – was a great idea! We’ll probably never get 12″ here but just a little makes me happy.
Joyce says
On the opposite side of the state it is currently 22 degrees. I think we got about a half inch of snow. The weatherman was saying 1-2 inches, but I see grass sticking out through the snow. The streets were bad this morning, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they’re better when I head home. I started the day off with a dead battery, so I got to be out in it during the worst of the snow coming down. Ugh!
Liz says
No snow here in OKC, but the high was 24 degrees, wind chill is at 13. A few days ago, we had snow which did not show up on the radar. It was the very light stuff that results when there is high humidity. I like that type of snow since I can just use a broom to sweep off the walkway.
Today was my trash day and I opted not to go down my driveway (a nice slope) in the single digit wind chill. And due to my knees, I usually go down backwards so I don’t lose control of a heavy cart. That must look strange, but I don’t care! At least I didn’t have much stuff to throw out. I usually hold off on clearing out the refrig until the morning of the pickup. My neighbor used to put the smelly scraps in a freezer bag, but I don’t have that much room in the freezers.
Carolyn says
We had snow on Monday and are supposed to get another 6 inches tonight. I picked the right week to retire! It’s been wonderful not having to drive in it. Although tomorrow I’m going to play with the girls in the morning but the snow will be out of here by then!
Cindy F says
We’ve had rain for the past couple of days but the mountains have had needed snow. We had been unseasonably cold for awhile so these couple of days of unseasonable warm temps (40s) is really nice, even with the rain! I always love the rain here at lower elevations (we’re at about 4800ft) and snow higher up. Last week I did snow removal 3 times during the week.
Rebecca says
-I saw a couple people in the Nashville area sticking rulers in the snow. They both showed first 5 inches, then 7! I just don’t think that’s…average…for Nashville.
njgrl4ever says
Way more here in Nashille 7 inches and 9°.