With almost everything I do, I try to think of the weak link and plan accordingly. I’ve done this for many years – it has nothing to do with current shortages. I will never have a lifetime supply of everything I might need but I do try to think ahead to possibilities.
Who would have thought we’d be dealing with some of the things we’re dealing with now?
Several times through the years I’ve mentioned the possibility of a canning lid shortage. I’m not claiming to be psychic – just thinking of what could possibly cause issues. Jars get re-used forever, rings can be used until they get rusty or bent but lids . . if for some reason, we couldn’t get lids, the canning process would pretty much come to an end. I’ve talked about this before on here and here’s something I said in 2017:

Many people found themselves without lids and with no lids to be found in early summer. I think, at least what I’ve seen and heard from others, lids are somewhat easier to get. It’s been almost 10 years that I’ve been using Tattler lids. Every time I write something about this, there will be some who will tell me they re-use lids for canning. It isn’t recommended; I wouldn’t do it . . even if there were NO lids. But those those who do it, that’s fine if you’re comfortable with it.
Recently I’ve heard about the maker of the punch needle that a lot of people use, and it’s the one I have, closing and that brand will be no more. There is at least one other brand around so it isn’t like there will be no more punch needle.
Also Pat Carson’s tapestry needles are no longer being made. That wasn’t my favorite needle, though I had ordered 25 of them when I placed my first order for cross stitching supplies on 12/16/2020. I still have 24 of them because I don’t use them often.

Last night I started thinking about needles. What would happen if I couldn’t get my favorite stitching needles? There are several needles I like for different fabrics. For Lugana, I like the Sullivan’s ball point needles. For 32 count and some 36 count linens, I like John James size 28. For most 36 count and all 40 count, I like Piecemakers size 28 needles. If I could have one needle only, it would be the Piecemaker size 28. I started thinking maybe I should go ahead and order a few more. I lose needles like crazy. I have a magnet and can find some of them on the floor but there must be quite a few in my chair somewhere.
I thought . . needles aren’t on my “do not buy list” but it isn’t the first of the year so I’m going to order extra needles. I always check Colorado Cross Stitcher, Cross Stitching Supplies, Kitten Stitcher and 123Stitch. Of those four places, three of them were out of the needles I wanted. That was kinda scary. I checked my inventory and decided if I’ll be careful and not lose to many, I have enough needles to make it through the year. Even if I do run out of Piecemakers needles, there are others I can use but I will keep a watch on the needle supplies and if they start looking scary low or those places are out of Piecemakers for a very long time, I may order more when I can.
Joyce says
I never have found any canning lids this year. (small mouth) I didn’t end up canning anything, but I still feel a little twitchy when I know I don’t have many lids…
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Right at the end of summer, a friend told me there were lids at Walmart. Vince went and was able to get a few packs. I can tell you I’m much more frugal with them these days. For freeze dried foods, I would mostly put them in pints but since I can get twice as much in a quart with one lid, instead of two pints with two lids, I use the quart, take out what I need and re-vacuum and seal the quart jar.
JustGail says
it was a solid year that I didn’t see canning lids in stores at all, then nearly another year that I saw them on occasion. One thing I will check when opening jars – if the lid isn’t damaged, I will keep them to use for things that won’t go through the canner again. Like storing dry ingredients, or non-food items.
I checked my tapestry needle supply a few weeks ago, and have so many size 26, I *think* I was going to make some counting pins instead of using thread to grid projects. I should check the other hand needles as well. I probably have a lifetime supply of sewing needles. I can’t rest until I find a lost needle, the last thing I need is for DH to step on one.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I do the same thing. I save the canning lids and put them in a zipper bag that says “USED” on it. I almost always use them for vacuum sealing jars of freeze dried foods. I can tell right away if they didn’t seal, then I put them in a separate spot for about a month and check them often. If after a month they’re still sealed, they go into long term storage.
My chair sits in the corner so I tell myself that IF a needle is on the floor, no one will step on it because you’d have to work really hard to get between my chair and the wall/furniture but every time I sit down in my chair, I expect to get poked in the behind with a lost needle.
Shauna Trueblood says
It is funny I was looking at my needles this weekend and I think I have enough, I tend to go in stages. I will use a needle for two months without issue then I will break or lose three in a day. I bought a bulk order of my favorite needle John James 28 petite, but they don’t seem to be the same quality, but I can use them in a pinch.
I try to find any that I drop because I don’t want them to end up in a pup’s paw, but about 4 months ago I dropped a needle, search for it with my magnet, search with my eyes, moved my chair but could not find it. Then about 3 weeks ago I was walking past my chair headed to let the pups out and I saw a glint in front of my chair. Yep it was a needle and the only one that I dropped and not recovered was from 4 months ago. I know I have cleaned in the last four months, I have even dropped and found needles in that time. How/why did the needle just appear?
Diana says
I used to live near Piecemakers in Sou Cal. Went there a lot took some classes. They have their own website if you didn’t already know that
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I did know that. Thanks. They’re prices are more than just about everywhere else that carries them though.
Kim Webb says
I just read that Pat Carson passed away quite recently. Like in the last day or so. I have been using the same needle for months now with no issue. I use it for every project that I’m working on. I don’t know why. I have plenty more but always grab that one. Creature of habit I guess.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I usually keep four or five threaded. If I’m using several different colors at once, I have a different color on each needle. If I’m doing a lot of the same color, I’ll thread three or four at once. If I make it a day without losing at least one needle, it’s a miracle. We went to a football game when Addie was cheering and Vince said, there’s a thread on the back of your jacket. When he pulled it off, it had a needle in it. I find them in the garage, in the kitchen, I’m sure there are dozens around my chair.
I saw today that Pat Carson had passed away so I figured it was very recent. It’s been several months since I heard her needles were no longer being manufactured.
Carmen says
Are you sure about the punch needle, Ultra Needle? I heard some time back that they quit making, but now Old Tattered Flag took over and has them. If that is the brand you are referring to.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Not the same brand.