One thing I am 100% sure about is if brought something into this house that I didn’t want Vince to see . . say I ordered a big box of linen (I didn’t), no matter how hard I tried to get in without him noticing, he would notice and say something.

I finished this piece in July. It’s in the frame and all it needs is a hook or wire on the back of the frame and a nail in the wall. Those are all Vince’s job.
I remember showing this to him once he got here. I finished this in February and he arrived in April. Then I showed it to him again after it was framed. I thought he was impressed but I guess not so much.
Yesterday I brought it out and stacked it with a couple of other frames that need hooks. This piece happened to be on top.
Vince walked in and saw it.
Vince: Where did you get this?
Me: I stitched it!
Vince: You stitched all these words?
Me: Yes! Read them.
He read them, said “That’s nice!” and put it down.
I said “You don’t remember seeing that before?” Nope. I explained it all and he said “I suppose when I got here, there was so much to see and do .. I just don’t remember everything.”
vivoaks says
Sounds about right! LOL! Not that ANYTHING like that has ever happened in this house, but…. Hahaha!!!
Cindy F says
Well….at least he said it was nice!! lol
Sara Fridley says
My husband never notices anything like this either. And he has no curiosity whatsoever about what might be in packages that arrive – or even shopping bags that I might set down anywhere. After 45 years I’ve gotten used to it I guess. says
Vince is the same way. I’ll say “Do you want to guess what I got you for Christmas?” No. If I had something under the tree, I’d open it while he was gone, re-wrap it and never tell him! 🙂
Liz says
You should just do the wiring of the frame and then use the command hooks to hang them. That way, you can start seeing your work on the walls. Start with the “main piece” in the center and add around as you finish the pieces. You can always change things around when you get to that critical mass of samplers on a wall.