Here’s where I stopped on Saturday night:

Here’s where I stopped last night.

I actually met my goal. Is that a first? I ended at the halfway mark down the right side.
Today I hope to get to the bottom so I can cut this fabric down to size. It’s cumbersome working with a piece this big. I could have used the cross stitch calculator and cut it down before I started but . . I didn’t.
justquiltin says
Excellent progress!
Cindy F says
Looking good!! It’s just making me more excited to get to the LNS today!! I think this one is going to go on my WIPGO card.
Donna in KS says
Cindy, WIPGO? Work in Progress _ _ ? Thanks, I’m just renewing interest in X stitching, due to Judy, the enabler that she is. I can’t put quilting totally aside though, family needs quilts! Looking over several stitching sites, however, it has moved on since I put it away years ago. Even the lingo? says
You’ll pick up the lingo. I remember thinking it was all Greek but now I know a lot of it – not all of it though.
WIPGO is a Facebook group. If you search for WIPGO, you’ll find them. It was designed to help finish WIPS (but you don’t have those for cross stitching yet) but you can do new starts too. It’s just a fun game type challenge.