More or less, the deck is stained. Vince wanted to get everything stained that was flat (hand rail and deck boards). Tomorrow we’ll do the spindles and Vince has to use a brush to get the sides of the boards. He used a sponge on a stick – some gizmo designed for staining decks.

It looks so good! I’m glad we replaced all the boards and didn’t try to save any of the old boards. Next week, probably Thursday and Friday, Vince will lightly sand the boards and we’ll put another coat of stain on the deck boards and hand rail part (just the boards that are flat – not the vertical spindles or posts.)
I was staining the hand rails and the vertical posts but Vince was finished with the stairs and ready for me to move on so he could get the deck boards done so my part isn’t finished. If I’m lucky, he’ll finish it for me tomorrow.
Teri says
It’s beautiful! You must be feeling lots better Judy. So glad you are not covered in hives. says
No. I really feel awful. I’m not sick very often but between the booster shot and this . . I feel like I’ve felt bad for the entire week. I just felt like Vince shouldn’t have to do it all by himself. Once I got done outside, I came in and went to bed but my phone (in the living room) rang four times within a few minutes so I got up just in case it was someone really needing me (like . . why would someone really need ME?)
Hopefully tomorrow I’ll feel better.
Donnalyn says
Wow! Looks great and a nice job to have done, hope you are not too worn out. Its amazing what a difference a coat of stain makes.
Amy M says
Looks fantastic!
Cindy F says
The deck looks great!! You’re a good wife to go help even though you weren’t feeling too good. Funny how often that happens with us women….working around the house when we don’t feel well. I used to tease my husband about man flu until I read a research article that stated men actually do get/feel sicker than women when they get a bug. But he’s pretty easy when he’s sick…he doesn’t want anyone to do anything for him even though I’m more than willing to cater to him. Anyway, hope you’re continuing to feel better.